Page 11 - JRCERT Update Articles
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          interviews. Each mini interview will allow interviewers   policy should be well-written, follow the institution’s
          insight into the personal competencies and character-  guidelines, and contain these components:
          istics of the interviewees but differ in how they might     ƒ purpose (including a concise list of the noncogni-
          fit in the acceptable resources and timetable of the pro-  tive characteristics the interview process will be
          gram’s admissions cycle. Special consideration of how   assessing)
          the interview process will factor into an existing scoring     ƒ process description (explaining the interview for-
          method, if applicable, is necessary. For example, if the   mat so candidates know what to expect)
          program already determines acceptance via ranking of     ƒ how the interview will determine acceptance (ie,
          the applicant’s grade point average, then perhaps the   averaging points or final ranking)
          interview component will have a score added to or aver-    ƒ notification timeline description
          aged with the grade point average. A suggested option     ƒ reference and commitment to the institution’s
          better suited for large candidate pools is to use the grade   nondiscriminatory policy
          point average score and interview scores independently
          in a multistage acceptance process (ie, only the top   Publicizing the New Interview Process
          number of candidates progress to the interview). This   To be transparent and fair to all prospective stu-
          last option will result in a more manageable number of   dents, publicizing the future addition of an interview
          interviewees.                                      process is necessary and time sensitive. Programs
            To ensure a fair and nondiscriminatory approach,   are responsible for incorporating various publication
          programs should use a structured interview format   methods to provide details regarding the application
          instead of a nonstructured or semistructured method.   requirements. Following the institutional adminis-
          Although more personal, nonstructured and semis-   trative and marketing guidelines, programs should
          tructured styles allow spontaneous conversation and   consider using their webpage, printable admissions fact
          behaviors of bias and subjectivity to influence the pro-  sheets and recruitment documents, information ses-
          cess. A highly structured approach protects all parties   sions, and school-sponsored social media platforms to
          and the consistency of the interviews by requiring the   spread the message regarding the change. Announcing
          same questions of each applicant in a specific order.   the process a minimum of a full year before implemen-
          It also is a more legally secure method.  In a study by   tation will ensure candidates know the expectations
          Pau et al, researchers investigated the offerings of 2   and have time to make any desired preparations. The
          structured formats, the multiple mini interviews and   addition of a new interview process should not be
          the panel interview. The study concluded that the out-  incorporated solely as another hurdle or challenge the
          comes of each were correlated, with the multiple mini   candidate must conquer for acceptance. Including
          interviews presenting a couple of slight advantages,   resources, such as a document containing tips for inter-
          including the various perspectives the multiple mini   viewing or links to reputable interview preparation
          interviews layout provides.  However, both formats   websites, will create an atmosphere of student support
          require multiple interviewers and have the vital benefit   and reduce some anxieties candidates might experience.
          of combined insight.                               Once the interview process becomes a reality, programs
                                                             should update all publications to reflect any changes
          Create a Policy                                    discovered in the postmortem analysis and ensure all
            Another component of Standard 1, Objective 1.3 of   program admission publications contain accurate and
          the JRCERT Standards is that admission practices are   current information for prospective students.
          “consistent with published policies.”  Suppose the inter-
          view process involves more than 1 application-based   Developing the Interview Questions and
          allied health program in the same institution. In that   Rating Scale
          case, this policy could be written and published at the   According to Koenig et al, many attributes are
          division level to support all applicable programs. The   essential to a student’s success in the classroom, such as

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