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          Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Health

          Science Education

          Mahsa Dehghanpour, EdD, MS, CMD

         I   n a memorandum for the leaders of executive     same tools to everyone regardless of their differences in

                                                             ability, knowledge, and skill. Whereas, equity refers to
             departments and agencies in the National Security
             Workforce, President Obama stated:
                                                             providing different tools to different people to ensure
             As the United States becomes more diverse and   the same opportunities for everyone. This is because
                                                             individuals begin at different starting points, depend-
             the challenges we face more complex, we must    ing on their abilities, educational background, skill sets,
             continue to invest in policies to recruit, retain, and   and previous knowledge and experiences. To provide
             develop the best and brightest from all segments of   equal opportunities to everyone, different tools suited
             our population. Research has shown that diverse   for each person are needed to ensure personal and pro-
             groups are more effective at problem solving than   fessional development, contribution, engagement, and
             homogeneous groups, and policies that promote   mastery of knowledge.
             diversity and inclusion will enhance our ability
             to draw from the broadest possible pool of talent,   Importance of DEI in Health Care
             solve our toughest challenges, maximize employee   Research has shown that increasing DEI in health
             engagement and innovation, and lead by example   care fields leads to higher quality care, increased  health
             by setting a high standard for providing access to   care access, innovation, effective communication, and
             opportunity to all segments of our society. 1   reduced health disparities.  Cohen et al described 4
          This memorandum resulted in policies on diversity,   reasons for creating greater diversity in the health care
          equity, and inclusion (DEI) in various professions.  workforce: promoting cultural competency, increasing
            Diversity is the presence of people with different   minorities’ access to high-quality health care, foster-
          gender identities, ethnicities, races, religions, sexual   ing research in neglected areas, and enriching a diverse
          orientations, nationalities, ages, countries of origin,   pool of managers and policy makers.  They explained
          locations, familial statuses, socioeconomic statuses, and   that providing effective care to a diverse patient popu-
          other personal factors in an environment or an organi-  lation requires health care workers’ understanding of
          zation.  However, diversity alone in an organization is   their patients’ cultures and belief systems that affect
          not enough to form an effective team for problem solv-  their response to medical advice and treatment out-
          ing and provide innovation; it should be accompanied   come. Cultural competence is not attained by merely
          by inclusion and equity. Inclusion ensures that diverse   reading a textbook. Best practice for health care workers
          individuals are valued, heard, engaged, and treated fair-  is to interact with and practice in a diverse environment
          ly. An organization that values inclusion makes efforts   to become culturally competent.
          to ensure that all individuals, regardless of their differ-  Increasing the diversity of health care workers is
          ences, have the opportunity to participate in all aspects   essential in expanding access and high-quality treat-
          of the workplace, including decision-making processes   ment for underserved populations because minorities
          and key leadership positions. Equality and equity often   tend to receive lower quality care, even if data are
          are used interchangeably; however, equity is not syn-  adjusted for insurance status, income, age, and severity
          onymous with equality. Equality refers to providing the   of condition.  Diverse health care workers and policy

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, November/December 2022, Volume 94, Number 2                                1
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