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          desire to learn, integrity, and self-management, which   candidate to the next and amongst multiple panels used
          are not necessarily the top competencies for patient   for more extensive programs is of utmost importance.
          care environments.  If the program desires to assess the   To maximize clarity for all, programs should gather
          emotional intelligence and noncognitive attributes for   the interviewers to review the questions and scoring
          entry into the program and the medical community,   process before conducting the interviews (see Box). In
          a subset of core characteristics linked to both can be   addition, a reference document or answer guide and an
          determined by conducting a small amount of research   explanation of the anchors can be a different approach
          and reaching out to the program’s communities of inter-  to maintaining a uniform process.
          est for input.
            The questions for assessing noncognitive traits   Box
          should be written to elicit responses that give an insight   Checklist for the Panel Interview
          into how a candidate might respond in certain situa-  ƒ  Meeting with interviewers – Review questions, scorecards,
          tions and encourage them to share openly. Behavioral   anchors for scoring, and answer guides.
          and situational questions are formats that will stimulate   ƒ  Check-in process – Recruit helpers (student liaisons or
          more than a yes-no response. Behavioral interview      ambassadors) to greet and escort interviewees to the
          questions will ask the interviewee to reflect on the   assigned interview panel.
          past and provide insight to assess specific skills based   ƒ  Provide guidelines to interviewees:
          on experiences. Alternatively, situational interview     interview format (ie, time limits per response
          questions use hypothetical scenarios focusing on the    or interview, number of questions, number of
          future and a candidate’s intentions. A study conducted   interviewers on panel)
          by Latham et al reveals that there can be some issues     interview location and room number
          with theoretical questioning as the interviewee might     departure instructions
          respond with what they discern is the best or correct     notification of results timeline
          answer instead of the truth.  For this reason, the con-  ƒ  No-show plan – Plan for unforeseen illnesses or other
          sideration of using behavioral expectation scales that   events that cause the interviewee to not show up for
          include anchors for interviewers to reference when rat-  the interview (ie, phone or video conferencing option,
          ing responses is necessary.                            makeup day).

          Creating the Interview Panel                       Conclusion
            To be inclusive and diverse, programs should think   Incorporating an interview as part of the admis-
          strategically about the responsibility of conducting   sions process can provide a reliable and valid approach
          professional interviews when selecting the interviewers.   to assessing the noncognitive attributes of applicants
          Programs should look to industry experts, such as clini-  and can be an attainable goal for any radiologic science
          cal upper-level department managers, especially those   or health professions program. A systematic approach,
          experienced in hiring, and clinical preceptors affiliated   beginning with forming a special project committee
          with the program, to join the program faculty as inter-  to select critical components and paying attention
          viewers. These professionals often are willing to serve   to essential elements before implementing the new
          in a volunteer capacity to better the program’s strategy.   interview, can ensure the process is consistent with all
          They will thoroughly know which critical soft skills to   related accreditation standards and is a fair and nondis-
          assess for and will be eager to participate in a process   criminatory approach to selecting program students.
          that affects the future of their profession. A mixture of
          backgrounds and experiences in the interview panel’s
          makeup will ensure the element of different perspec-  Meredith R Brown, MS, R.T.(R), serves on the JRCERT
          tives is present regardless of which interview format is   board of directors and is the radiologic technology program
          chosen. Ensuring the process remains consistent from 1   director for McLennan Community College in Waco, Texas.

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, September/October 2022, Volume 94, Number 1                                3
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