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          Reporting Program Effectiveness Data

          Laura Aaron, PhD, R.T.(R)(M)(QM), FASRT

             n recent years, the federal government has been    This review revealed that the reporting of program
             moving toward increasing the accountability and   effectiveness data has been a challenge for many pro-
             transparency of educational institutions and pro-  grams. However, the sponsoring educational institu-
         Igrams. This accountability is intended to assist   tion, accreditors, and a variety of other entities require
          members of the public in making informed decisions   that various details be reported. Data collection, analy-
          about selecting the educational institution that best   sis, and sharing of information can be daunting and
          meets their postsecondary educational needs. The   time-consuming, but it is important to remember that
          Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic   the driving forces behind program data reporting are
          Technology (JRCERT) is recognized not only by the   accountability and transparency.
          U.S. Department of Education but also by the          When attempting to meet this goal, consideration
          Council for Higher Education Accreditation, a non-  should be given to what the public needs to know in
          governmental organization. Just as JRCERT-         order to have a clear picture of the program’s effective-
          accredited programs must adhere to the JRCERT      ness. For example, national certification examination pass
          Standards for Accredited Educational Programs, the   rates often are cited by programs as indicators of student
          JRCERT also must follow the requirements of these   preparedness for the workforce. In comparing 2 programs
          agencies. Consistent with Council for Higher       with the same percentages of graduates passing the
          Education Accreditation requirements, programs     examination each year, would both programs be consid-
          accredited by the JRCERT must provide program      ered equally effective? Review the example in the Table
          information to the public in a way that is easily acces-  before making a decision.
          sible and understood.                                 Both programs have similar percentages of students
            In December 2013, JRCERT-accredited programs     passing the national certification examination on the
          were asked to review their Web sites and provide infor-  first attempt each year within 6 months of graduation.
          mation about where and how they communicate their   However, program A had significantly fewer students
          mission statement, goals, and student learning out-  taking the examination each year than did program B. If
          comes, as well as to report program effectiveness data to   only the percentage passing is provided, people cannot
          the public in a clear and easily accessible manner. The   objectively compare programs. In addition, it is impor-
          JRCERT then reviewed each program’s Web pages to   tant that programs do not average the percentages. In
          determine whether the Council for Higher Education   this example, both program A and program B would
          Accreditation requirements had been met.           report a 5-year average pass rate of 86.2%, if the annual

          224                                           RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, November/December 2014, Volume 86, Number 2
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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