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          Reporting Program Effectiveness Data

          show their strengths as well as to identify opportuni-
          ties for improvement. Sharing program effectiveness
          data allows students, the public, and other interested
          parties to make their own determinations regarding a
          program’s quality.

            Laura Aaron, PhD, R.T.(R)(M)(QM), FASRT, is the
          director and professor of the School of Allied Health for
          Northwestern State University in Shreveport, Louisiana.
          She also serves as the chairman of the ASRT Foundation
          Scholarship Review Committee. Aaron was an ASRT
          Foundation professional research grant awardee in 2004 and
          2009, and she was a Stern Scholarship recipient in 2003. She
          is on the JRCERT Board of Directors and can be reached at

          1.  Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic
             Technology. Standards for an accredited educational
             program in radiography.
             -Radiography.doc. Accessed September 11, 2014.

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          226                                           RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, November/December 2014, Volume 86, Number 2
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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