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           Table                                             radiologic sciences.”  The JRCERT defines not “actively
           Example Comparing Program Examination             seeking employment” as when the graduate :
           Pass Rates                                             Fails to communicate with program officials
                         Total Students  Passing                  regarding employment status after multiple
                         Taking the   Students  5-Year            attempts.
           Program Year  Examination  (%) a  Average (%)          Is unwilling to seek employment that requires
           A       2013   5            4 (80)  30 of 34 (88)
                                                                  Is unwilling to accept employment because of
                   2012  10            9 (90)
                                                                  salary or hours.
                   2011   4            3 (75)                     Is on active military duty.
                   2010   8           8 (100)                     Is continuing his or her education.
                   2009   7            6 (86)                   When calculating job placement rate at 12 months
                                                             postgraduation, the program must determine which
           B       2013  50           40 (80)  264 of 310 (85)
                   2012  60           54 (90)                students are “actively” seeking employment. For exam-
                                                             ple, a program could have 10 students who graduated,
                   2011  80           60 (75)                but based upon the JRCERT’s definition, not all were
                   2010  50          50 (100)                actively seeking employment (see Box). In this scenario,
                   2009  70           60 (86)                5 of 10 students (A, C, D, H, and I) were not actively
           a                                                 seeking employment. Five students (B, E, F, G, and J)
           First attempt each year within 6 months of graduation.
                                                             had sought employment; however, only 60% (3 of the 5)
          percentages were used (431 divided by 5). The correct   were employed in the professional discipline within 12
          calculation should compare the actual number of stu-  months of graduation. Like the previous example, this
          dents passing the examination to the number attempt-  example demonstrates the importance of reporting the
          ing the examination.                               number of students used in calculations of program
            No 2 programs are exactly alike, and there can be   effectiveness.
          many differences in how data is collected and reported.   The JRCERT requires that a program’s effectiveness
          The goal is to provide enough information to assure   data be posted on its Web site, including the sample sizes
          that the data are as clear as possible for prospective stu-  and time periods reflected in the data. At a minimum,
          dents and the public. Providing the sample size associat-  the program effectiveness data must be updated annually.
          ed with the particular measure helps to provide context   Reporting effectiveness data is a way for programs to
          for the data. Depending on the situation, the program
          might need to provide the size of the total population   Box
          (N)—the cohort size—or the size of the sample (n).   Illustration of Program Data for Job
          In the examination pass rate example, the programs   Placement Rates
          report the total population size (N) because 100% of   Student A – enrolled in a sonography program.
          the students took the examination within 6 months of   Student B – gained employment at an outpatient clinic.
          graduation.                                         Student C – declined a position because it was the night shift.
            Programs often assess results for a controlled sample of   Student D – the program was unable to locate this student.
          the total population, with the sample size represented as n.   Student E – gained employment at a local hospital.
          An example of the use of the sample size (n) is job place-  Student F – gained employment in a pediatric clinic.
          ment rate. In the JRCERT Standards for an Accredited   Student G – gained employment as a waitress.
          Educational Program in Radiography, Objective 5.2,
          job placement rate is defined as the “number of graduates   Student H – enrolled in a radiation therapy program.
          employed in the radiologic sciences compared to the   Student I – enrolled in a master’s degree program.
          number of graduates actively seeking employment in the   Student J – did not find a job within 12 months of graduation.

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, November/December 2014, Volume 86, Number 2                              225
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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