Page 32 - JRCERT Update Articles
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          fluid document that reflects the various states of   Box
          an organization.                                    2021 Joint Review Committee on Education
                                                              in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) Strategic
          Benefits of Strategic Planning                      Planning Goals 3
            If done well, organizational strategic planning        ƒ Ensure that the JRCERT is sustainable and prepared to
          has several benefits. If done poorly, a strategic plan   meet the needs of stakeholders.
          often appears as a futile act that has little support     ƒ The JRCERT’s efforts are transparent and promote
          from staff. Strategic planning can enable an organiza-   accountability.
          tion to become proactive and progressive instead of      ƒ Use innovative strategies to ensure the JRCERT
          reactionary to environmental factors. The develop-       is leading in the education and accreditation of
          ment of strategies using a logical, systematic process is   radiologic technologists.
          beneficial to the plan’s success. An organization tends
          to perform better with longitudinal planning rather      ƒ Enhance the relationships of current and potential
          than with instantaneous decisions. Another benefit to
          strategic planning is the empowerment of all staff in an     ƒ Develop resources to enhance the JRCERT's efficacy.
          organization. Each staff member is responsible for a role
          in the strategic planning process or a role in obtaining   SWOT analysis allowed for the JRCERT staff and
          organizational goals and objectives. Because each staff   board of directors to determine if their mission,
          member has a role that determines the success of the    vision, core values, and goals were still applicable
          strategic plan, he or she often has a stronger investment.   with only minor adjustments made.
          The goals or objectives belong to the staff instead of     ƒ including staff members in the process – To
          only information distributed by senior administration.   ensure ownership and dedication to the planning
          Finally, an important benefit is that organizational com-  process, the JRCERT included staff and the board
          munication is enhanced. A key factor in a successful    of directors in the strategic planning process. This
          strategic planning process is communication among       engagement generated input and helped build
          staff, which helps to ensure the plan is progressing, and   commitment among staff to achieve the end goal.
          that staff are cognizant of their roles and responsibilities   Staff input provided insight into issues, challeng-
          during the process. Communicating the strategic plan    es, concerns, and opportunities which might not
          and its intended results helps cultivate transparency and   have been known or understood fully. The senior
          accountability for staff. 2                             management team did not execute the strategies
                                                                  that came from the staff, but instead engaged with
          Key Factors for Successful Strategic                    staff members, increasing the strategy execution
          Planning at the JRCERT                                  success rate.
            During the most recent JRCERT strategic planning       ƒ identifying projects to help guarantee success –
          process, the organization used several key factors to   Ranking projects ensured that projects with high
          ensure a successful strategic plan that included specific   priority had the financial, human, and physical
          goals (see Box). These key factors included:            resources necessary to achieve success. JRCERT
                ƒ reviewing the current state of the organization   prioritized operational objectives for specific
               – It was important for the JRCERT to review        years and then identified future initiatives.
               its existing mission, vision, values, and goals to     ƒ implementing 2-way communication – According
               ensure they reflected the organization’s culture.   to the Harvard Business School, 95% of staff do
               Organizational culture is the attitudes, values,   not understand their company’s strategy, making
               beliefs, and behaviors of its staff, and this culture   it difficult for staff to implement said strategy.
               should be aligned throughout the entire organi-    The JRCERT used a variety of communication
               zation. The completion of market research and      methods for its strategic planning. Staff meetings,

          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes.©2021. All rights reserved.
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