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               agenda, minutes, and publications were a few       and revisions. Committee meeting minutes and
               approaches to convey the progress and needs of     associated work products are presented at these
               the strategic plan.                                meetings. Based on the discussions during that
                ƒ incorporating strategic planning objectives into   week’s meeting, strategic objectives, or deadlines
               daily duties – The JRCERT included its strategic   might be readjusted.
               plan in the staff’s daily work because of the high     ƒ evaluating the strategic planning process – The
               levels of involvement and commitment required      strategic planning process should be evaluated
               to succeed. If a project was important enough to   annually or midcycle, depending on what is most
               advance the organization, then it had high signifi-  effective for individual and team performance.
               cance in the workday.                              JRCERT staff perform an annual evaluation
                ƒ delegating objectives to staff – The JRCERT     of its strategic planning process by completing
               strategic planning process delegated teams,        individual and team assessments. All staff mem-
               appointed appropriate members, and distributed     bers evaluate themselves as well as their strategic
               the workload among staff. Deadlines for the        planning team leader. This performance data is
               operational objectives and tentative dates for     incorporated into annual staff performance evalu-
               completion were discussed with staff. The          ations and is used for improvement purposes.
               JRCERT assigned staff members with specific         ƒ regularly reporting strategic planning progress
               strengths to associated projects while being       to senior administration and the board of direc-
               sensitive of their individual workloads.           tors – The JRCERT board of directors help to
                ƒ identifying metrics that can measure success    determine the vision of the organization, whereas
               beyond a list of accomplishments – The JRCERT      the staff members implement and complete of
               values continuous improvement and often evalu-     the operational objectives and action plans. It is
               ates the effectiveness of its strategic planning   imperative for staff to communicate the strategic
               work. Dashboards and communication tools rein-     plan progress, budget implications, and effective-
               force the importance and progress of the strategic   ness to the board of directors. This information
               planning process.                                  is reported and discussed at the semi-annual
                ƒ maintaining accountability, participation, and   JRCERT Board Meetings where the plan could be
               offering encouragement instead of criticism –      revised, if necessary.
               A team’s success or failure often depends on its
               collective ability to perform a process or system.   Conclusion
               JRCERT team members frequently communicated      Strategic planning at the JRCERT has evolved dur-
               with JRCERT colleagues to check in, or help, espe-  ing the past few years. Strategic planning is imperative
               cially if a project appeared to reach an impasse.  to an organization’s success as well as growth; it can
                ƒ meeting as a group – Groups continue to meet   ensure a positive thriving culture. Strategic planning
               periodically to discuss and review progress, pro-  enables an organization to be reflective of its current
               vide updates, and review objectives, timelines, or   state, identify a vision for the future, and develop a
               metrics. The strategic plan is dynamic, so revision   path to attain its goals. Every organization, including
               might be needed. However, the JRCERT avoids   organizations at the program or institutional level, has
               eliminating objectives or delaying deadlines   a unique identity and process for its strategic planning.
               because there is a lack of progress. Documenting   Regardless of the process, incorporating strategic plan-
               meeting minutes helps record the perspectives   ning into the culture is essential for success.
               of the organization during the meeting, such as
               what was discussed and thought processes. The
               entire JRCERT staff meets quarterly for a week    For more information on the JRCERT strategic plan, visit
               to review the strategic planning process, updates,

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, September/October 2021, Volume 93, Number 1                              115
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes.©2021. All rights reserved.
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