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          Curriculum Mapping: Aligning Content and Design

           Table 2
           Additional Resources for Curriculum Mapping
           1.  University of St Thomas                     An example of a curriculum map with introduced, reinforced, and
      mastered/assessed designations for each course.
           2. BCCR Journal                                 Examples of a detailed curriculum map and other templates.
           3. The Curriculum Mapping Planner: Templates, Tools, and Resources   The planner describes a 4-phase professional development pro-
             for Effective Professional Development, by Heidi Hayes Jacobs and  gram composed of 12 modules.
             Ann Johnson, 2009.
           4. Keys to Curriculum Mapping: Strategies and Tools to Make It Work,   This textbook addresses the curriculum mapping process and
             by Susan Udelhofen, 2005.                     includes a chapter on software for performing the process.
           5.  Using Curriculum Mapping and Assessment Data to Improve  This textbook takes curriculum mapping to the next level and
             Student Learning, by Bena Kallick and Jeff Collisimo, 2009.  incorporates assessment data to improve student learning and 3
                                                           case studies.

               Reinforced/Developed, and Mastered/Assessed,         before being assessed at the conclusion of the
               and place a specified code (I, R/D, M/A) in          program, such as in a capstone course?
               the corresponding cell. This can be done inde-   6.  Review and revise the map. Update the map
               pendently by program faculty members, or           regularly, particularly when program revisions are
               collaboratively in a group. If it is done indepen-  implemented. This action demonstrates a proac-
               dently, consensus on the final map is required     tive approach in determining alignment with
               before analysis occurs.                            curricular changes and ensures that an updated
            5.  Analyze the map. All pro-                         version will be available to guide new program
               gram faculty should analyze the                    faculty about where content is being taught and
               curriculum map, first vertically to ensure all     assessed in program courses. 12
               SLOs have been addressed, and then horizontally
               to ensure all course content addresses the SLOs.  Conclusion
               Questions that could be posed during analysis    Curriculum mapping provides many benefits to
               include :                                     higher education stakeholders, as it supports updates
                  ƒ In the key courses, are all outcomes addressed  and revisions to ensure a modern curriculum.
                 in a logical order?                         Curriculum mapping is a process for curriculum assess-
                  ƒ Do all key courses address at least 1 outcome?  ment in which faculty can update and revise content
                  ƒ Do multiple offerings of the same course  and design to provide a well-structured curriculum.
                 address the same outcomes at the same levels?  This process ensures that programs continually are
                  ƒ Do some outcomes receive more exposure than  striving for excellence in student success and, ulti-
                 others?                                     mately, in patient care. Additional resources are listed in
                  ƒ Are all outcomes first introduced and then  Table 2.
                  ƒ Are students expected to show high levels of
                 learning too early?                            Tracy Herrmann, PhD, R.T.(R), is faculty member
                  ƒ Do students receive practice on all outcomes  and Interim Associate Dean of Academic Affairs for the

          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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