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          Transitioning to Clinical Coordinator:

          Considerations for Taking the Role

          Loraine D Zelna, MS, R.T.(R)(MR)
          Lisa F Schmidt, PhD, R.T.(R)(M), CRT(R)

                  lthough internal transitioning from 1 faculty   take place on a continuum, as the clinical coordinator
                  position to another is commonplace among   is the liaison between the program and the clinical site
                  educators in radiography, radiation therapy,   instructors, preceptors, management, and clinical staff.
          Amedical dosimetry, and magnetic resonance            Clinical instructors and clinical staff are respon-
          imaging programs, transitioning into the role of clinical   sible for providing oversight and training to students;
          coordinator requires additional responsibilities. For   however, the clinical coordinator should be familiar
          programs accredited by the Joint Review Committee on   with the policies and procedures of each clinical educa-
          Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT), the   tion setting and collaborate directly with the clinical
          clinical coordinator is accountable for many duties   instructors on student schedules and clinical rotations
          regarding the clinical education component and the   to maximize student learning while following the
          associated Standards and objectives.               Standards. The clinical coordinator also must confirm
            This article outlines the Standards and objectives   that student documents are safeguarded according to
          an individual must know as he or she transitions from   federal, institutional, and programmatic requirements.
          clinical instructor or faculty member to clinical coor-
          dinator and addresses the responsibilities required in   Standard 2, Objectives 2.5, 2.7
          the new position. The objectives are not detailed in this   Clinical coordinators are responsible for understand-
          article; for more information, review the Standards on   ing their position and what it entails at their respective
          the JRCERT website. 1                              institution (eg, how many teaching hours are required,
                                                             how often clinical sites are visited, and review of stu-
          Standard 1, Objectives 1.1-1.4                     dent documentation). In addition, they are responsible
            Programs must ensure that the rights of students   for ensuring that a minimum of 1 clinical instructor
          are protected and that the policies and procedures are   per clinical setting is designated, that the 10:1 student-
          fair, equitably applied, and promote professionalism,   instructor ratio is followed, and that the program has
          whereas clinical coordinators must:                the proper documentation required for JRCERT clini-
                ƒ oversee the clinical education to ensure that all stu-  cal setting recognition. Clinical coordinators also might
               dents are provided equitable learning opportunities  be responsible for ensuring the JRCERT database
                ƒ correlate the clinical education with the didactic  contains current information related to each clinical
               education                                     affiliate.
                ƒ ensure that students’ clinical rotations are educa-
               tionally valid                                Standard 3, Objectives 3.2, 3.3, 3.7-3.9
                ƒ provide opportunities for students to obtain  Clinical coordinators might be responsible for
               required clinical and patient care competencies  making sure the program mission statement is being
                ƒ prevent the use of students as replacements for  followed and for directing the clinical settings to follow
               employees                                     the competency-based curriculum requirements that
          Communication and correspondence between the       will enable students to meet the requirements for gradu-
          clinical coordinator and the clinical settings should   ation as entry-level technologists. As liaisons between

          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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