Page 70 - JRCERT Update Articles
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                                                                                              Zelna, Schmidt

          the program and the clinical education settings, clinical   this process; clinical instructors, preceptors, and clini-
          coordinators provide oversight and direction in creat-  cal staff also provide insight and perspectives into the
          ing clinical assignments and schedules that provide   student learning process and program effectiveness.
          students with learning opportunities in current and
          developing imaging or therapeutic technologies. These   Standard 6, Objectives 6.2, 6.4-6.6
          observations and clinical rotations in the imaging    The clinical coordinator has an important respon-
          environment help students to make informed career   sibility as liaison between the program and the clinical
          decisions and aid in professional growth for graduates.  settings. Clinical coordinators often are required to col-
            During clinical education rotations, students must   lect documentation from the clinical instructors at the
          be made aware of their progress; therefore, clinical   clinical settings (eg, copies of current curriculum vitae
          coordinators collaborate with clinical instructors to   or résumés and copies of current American Registry of
          keep students abreast of their competency comple-  Radiologic Technologists registration or equivalent). In
          tion, grades, and what is needed for course completion.   addition, affiliation agreements between the program
          Educating clinical instructors and staff on their respon-  or sponsoring institution and the clinical settings must
          sibilities, which are defined by the program curriculum   be acquired and submitted to the JRCERT for recogni-
          and policies, confirms that the curriculum is practiced   tion approval before students are placed at the setting.
          and that students are obtaining what is needed to com-  Furthermore, documentation proving that the clinical
          plete the program. Clinical instructors require feedback   settings are in compliance with applicable state and fed-
          from students, and the clinical coordinator acquires   eral radiation safety laws is required for clinical setting
          such feedback and shares it with clinical instructors.  recognition. Programs meet requirements by following
                                                             the standards and objectives.
          Standard 4, Objectives 4.1-4.8
            Radiation safety policies exist for clinical staff and   The Transition
          students to follow, and students are supervised on a   Because the role of the clinical coordinator is
          continuum during clinical education. Clinical instruc-  dynamic, fluid, and fast-paced, it can be overwhelming
          tors and clinical staff are not always cognizant of the   in the early stages of the transition. The role requires
          nuances in program policies, such as the distinction   a close working relationship and consistent commu-
          between direct and indirect supervision; therefore, the   nication with the program director and the clinical
          clinical coordinator is vital in this aspect of the educa-  education settings staff, an understanding of the del-
          tion process. In addition, clinical coordinators ensure   egation of program operation responsibilities, and
          that students complete the required number of com-  consideration of the integration of clinical education in
          bined clinical and classroom hours, practice ALARA   the program. Understanding the JRCERT Standards
          (as low as reasonably achievable) radiation safety princi-  and objectives, particularly those that address clinical
          ples and practices, and adhere to state standards where   education, is imperative for a successful role transi-
          applicable (eg, California). The program should create   tion. Organizational skills also are critical for success
          a bridge with the clinical setting to ensure students   in an educational program. A working checklist of
          are appropriately oriented to it, including the clinical   reoccurring and individual monthly duties that incor-
          settings’ health and safety policies and procedures to   porate items from the standards and program-specific
          protect students’ safety.                          requirements will be helpful to both new and seasoned
                                                             coordinators. See the Box for a list of responsibilities to
          Standard 5, Objectives 5.1-5.5                     be considered.
            Assessment is necessary for confirming that the
          program is meeting its mission, goals, student learning   Conclusion
          outcomes, and program effectiveness. The clinical coor-  New clinical coordinators are curious, ask many
          dinator and program director perform extensive roles in   questions, and seek guidance from the program director

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, July/August 2019, Volume 90, Number 6                                    637
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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