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          Creating Transparency in Radiologic Science Programs: The 3-Part Student Learning Outcome

          have a clear expectation that they will be able to turn   to fill in the blanks.  To measure this learning, a rubric
          the learning outcome into an I can statement such as,   can be developed and pilot-tested before being used as
          I can identify the bony anatomy of the pelvis with 100%   an outcome assessment tool, or it can be adapted from a
          accuracy. A learning outcome example for a radiation   tested Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate
          therapy syllabus might be: Given the treatment plan of   Education (VALUE) rubric.  In addition, embedded
          the breast, the learner will identify underlying organs at   assessments, such as personal response systems, allow
          risk with 100% accuracy. The radiation therapy student   the instructor to gather information on individual and
          will be able to turn this outcome into an I can statement   group learning. This form of assessment helps to diagnose
          such as, I can look at the treatment plan of the breast and   student problems early and allows adjustments in course
          identify underlying organs at risk with 100% accuracy.  syllabi to improve student learning. Embedded assess-
                                                             ment also can be used to measure growth in learning
          Adult Learning Theory                              across a semester or across cohorts of students. 6
            Adult learning theory suggests that students in
          higher education are adult learners who define them-  Student Learning and Program
          selves by their experiences and their ability to apply   Improvement
          knowledge learned to useful skill sets.  Diverse stu-  The assessment plan is an ideal place to showcase a
          dent needs encourage educators to create a mixture of   program’s successes and demonstrate trends in improv-
          instructional materials to assure successful adult learn-  ing student learning.  Student learning and program
          ing. For example, radiologic science programs balance   improvement are the core behind program assessment
          knowledge learned in the classroom with skills acquired   plans. Writing clear learning outcomes on a course
          through laboratory time and clinical experience, and   syllabus can drive the program assessment plan as
          they include a variety of teaching tools to assure suc-  required by accreditation. The expected learning out-
          cessful learning:                                  come for a radiography, radiation therapy, magnetic
                ƒ E-portfolios.                              resonance, or medical dosimetry student needs to be
                ƒ Group work.                                a clear statement of what is expected and how the out-
                ƒ Guided reading assignments.                come is measured.
                ƒ Laboratory work demonstration skills.         Connecting meaningful teaching and learning
                ƒ Service learning.                          has become a focus of quality higher education.  The
                ƒ Simulations.                               Joint Review Commission on Education in Radiologic
                ƒ Student presentations.                     Technology (JRCERT) remains committed to quality
                ƒ Student self-reflection.                   education. The JRCERT recognition of a radiologic sci-
            These instructional methods can bridge gaps in   ence program signifies that students graduate with the
          previously learned concepts, which can inspire learning   knowledge and competence to provide quality patient
          that promotes professional skills needed for radiologic   care.
          technology professions. The assessment plan can use all   In addition, clearly written learning outcomes com-
          of these teaching tools.                           municate clear expectations to learners, instructors, and
            Because adult learners appreciate authenticity in   prospective employers regarding student learning.  The
          assignments, instructors should make the learning expe-  JRCERT recognition also signifies that the program’s
          rience as real as possible. Creating real problems that a   graduates are worthy of employment with various
          radiographer, radiation therapist, magnetic resonance   health care facilities. According to Rhodes, health care
          technologist, or medical dosimetrist might face in a   employers are interested in students who have a broad
          clinical situation develops the learning and thinking of   range of learning outcomes to meet the ever-demanding
          health care professionals. For example, radiation therapy   work environment.  Employers want to know what
          instructors can create a mind map of a metastatic disease   students can do. Today’s global health care environ-
          process with essential concepts missing and ask students   ments require graduates to apply their knowledge to

          310                                             RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, January/February 2018, Volume 89, Number 3
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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