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           Example Crosswalk Comparing 2014 and Draft 2021 Accredited Educational Program Standards
           2021                             2014
           Standards  Topic                 Standards  Key Changes a
           1.1       Policies, procedures, and   1.1, 1.6, 1.8,   Deleted Objective 1.1; content subsumed under Explanation; added
                     relevant information   1.9, 1.10  “Accreditation status (including length of award) must be published on
                                                     program website – template provided in Appendix A (CHEA requirement)”
           1.2       Faculty recruitment and   1.14  Made editorial changes
           1.3       Student recruitment and   1.12, 1.13  Combined 1.12 and 1.13; made editorial changes
                     admission practices
           1.4       Confidentiality of student   1.5  Defined “educational records”; deleted “security” in objective
           1.5       JRCERT Standards awareness   1.7  Added “and faculty” to objective; provided reference to JRCERT policy
                     and pursuit of noncompliance
           1.6       Program effectiveness data   5.3  PED reflects most recent 3-year average (see 6.2); programs with less than
                     (PED)                           3 years of data must publish 1 or 2 years of PED; provided direct JRCERT link
                                                     to be used on program’s webpage; provided template in Appendix B
           1.7       Achieve and maintain JRCERT   6.6  Made editorial changes; provided links to applicable JRCERT policies
           a Not reflective of every change.
           Reprinted with permsission from the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology.

          Standard Three                                     requirements in a single location. In addition, the
            Standard Three: Faculty and Staff is a new standard   40-hour-per-week didactic and clinical involvement, as
          that addresses faculty in terms of adequate numbers,   well as percentages for evening and weekend total clini-
          academic qualifications, responsibilities, evaluations,   cal hours, have been deleted.
          and professional development. Faculty evaluations now
          incorporate an optional evaluation of volunteer clinical   Standard Five
          preceptors who are staff technologists.               Standard Five: Health and Safety monitors the
                                                             health, safety, and optimal use of radiation for stu-
          Standard Four                                      dents, patients, and the public. The revised document
            Standard Four: Curriculum and Academic Practices   combines Objectives 4.4, 4.5, and 4.6 regarding stu-
          pertains to the curriculum and academic practices for   dent supervision to remove redundancy of reporting.
          preparation to enter the profession. Bachelor degree   Programs will need to demonstrate how the supervision
          programs must adhere to the American Society of    policies are made known to students, clinical instruc-
          Radiologic Technologists’ bachelor of science in   tors, and clinical staff, in addition to how they are
          radiologic sciences core curriculum. Master degree   enforced and monitored.
          programs must ensure sufficient coursework to support
          the graduate-level curriculum. Bachelor and master   Standard Six
          degree programs must provide additional professional   Standard Six: Programmatic Effectiveness and
          content topics such as advocacy, advanced patient   Assessment: Using Data for Sustained Improvement
          care, leadership, and research. Objective 4.3 combines   involves continuous improvement. A program’s effec-
          objectives from other areas to place clinical education   tiveness is linked to its ability to meet its mission, goals,

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, March/April 2018, Volume 89, Number 4                                    397
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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