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          Accreditation Standards Revision Process

          Bette Schans, PhD, R.T.(R), FASRT

                 he Standards for an Accredited Educational   standards permit interpretation of specific objectives
                 Program document provides the guidelines    such as Title IV compliance or program support servic-
                 necessary for the radiography, radiation thera-  es that might be applicable to 1 sponsoring institution
          Tpy, magnetic resonance, and medical dosimetry     but not another. Subsequently, all objectives were
          educational programs to function at their highest levels   reviewed, edited, deleted, or moved to clarify and dem-
          and to maintain their programmatic accreditation.  onstrate compliance. New titles and descriptors were
            The last comprehensive revision to the Standards   provided for each standard. Below is an overview of the
          occurred in 2011, with additional revisions occurring   proposed changes to each standard.
          in 2014. The Joint Review Committee on Education in
          Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) board of directors   Standard One
          in 2015 voted to open the Standards to a comprehensive   Standard One: Accountability, Fair Practices, and
          revision. Although these Standards typically undergo   Public Information addresses institutional and pro-
          revision every 10 years, the directors voted for an early   gram accountability and fair practices in relation to
          revision to clarify language. 1                    students, faculty, and the public. Key changes involve
            For 15 months, the JRCERT staff analyzed feed-   the requirement to provide accreditation status, includ-
          back collected from surveys sent to all communities of   ing the length of the award, on the program’s website
          interest in the radiologic technology education profes-  and the definition of a student educational record.
          sion. Staff and board members addressed the feedback   The Crosswalk for Standard One for the Radiography
          at various educational seminars and conferences and   Degree Draft Standards is in the Table.
          solicited input from attendees. After gathering the
          data, the Standards Committee, composed of JRCERT   Standard Two
          board members and staff, met to compose a draft of    Several objectives were combined in Standard Two:
          the new Standards document. The draft was posted on   Institutional Commitment and Resources to ensure
          the JRCERT website in December 2017 to solicit com-  institutional support of the program in the areas of
          ments.                                             academic, fiscal, personnel, and physical resources. A
            The most significant change is the separation of the   notable revision in the Standards for degree programs
          standards into certificate and degree programs for all   is the reclassification of program support services from
          4 disciplines (ie, radiography, radiation therapy, mag-  clerical support to teaching and learning centers, advis-
          netic resonance, and medical dosimetry). Individual   ing, or testing centers.

          396                                                 RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, March/April 2018, Volume 89, Number 4
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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