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                                                                                                Zelna, Works

          check to the institution’s admissions department. The   take the exam unless negative information is discovered
          applicant should be afforded a 30-day conditional   in the interim.
          acceptance, pending the results of the background
          check. If the record reveals criminal convictions, the   Determine the length of time the academic
          student should be required to apply for preapplica-  institution must maintain clearances
          tion review through the ARRT or the appropriate       Each state repository can provide information
          credentialing organization, which would identify   about the amount of time an educational institution
          any violation of the Code of Ethics or equivalent that   is required to maintain student criminal background
          could preclude the applicant from qualifying for the   records. This period also could be noted in the institu-
          certification exam.  3                             tion’s records retention policy.

          Determine who will incur the fees (state and federal   Implementation
          criminal background checks, drug screening, and       Before implementing criminal background checks
          ARRT ethics review preapplication) associated with   and drug screening clearances, a program must develop
          clearances                                         a policy. In some cases, all health science programs of
            The fee potentially could be incorporated into the   an educational institution might benefit from a unified
          admission or student fees of the educational institution.   policy. Regardless of whether this policy will be used
          Costs vary from state to state, so it is prudent to contact   for an individual department or a group, a query into
          the state repository (most likely the state police) for the   accreditation and clinical education facilities’ health
          current fee. For example, the fee for a request for criminal   and safety requirements should be conducted. Although
          record check by the Pennsylvania State Police is $22;   such a query might not reveal a need for clearances
          $27.75 for Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare’s   in all clinical education settings, a uniform policy for
          Federal Bureau of Investigation Background Clearance;   the group might be useful to individual departments
          and $100 for the ARRT preapplication review. Drug   on an as-needed basis. The development of a uniform
          screening costs vary, based on facility and type of screen-  programmatic or institutional policy provides a stan-
          ing conducted (ie, 5-panel drug test vs 10-panel drug test).   dardized process and procedure for clearances.
          In addition, private companies will conduct the criminal   The policy should define the purpose of the clear-
          background, drug screening, and health clearance require-  ance requirements. The items to include are:
          ments for students for a fee. For large programs, this might     ƒ the clearance application process
          be a viable option.                                      ƒ frequency of the clearances (eg, as part of the
                                                                  admissions process and potentially again during
          Determine who will decide which criminal offenses       placement in a clinical rotation site)
          prohibit admission                                       ƒ relevant fees and the parties responsible for pay-
            To determine whether admission requirements have      ment
          been met, the academic institution must set a policy and     ƒ individuals responsible for receipt of the results
          procedure that outlines the process and identifies the     ƒ procedures for handling the results including
          circumstances that prohibit admission. For example,     results with a positive outcome
          a program can include in its policy for clearances a     ƒ communication of clinical placement decisions
          deference to the ARRT for any positive drug screen-     to students that could be based on the results of
          ing or criminal record results via the preapplication   clearances
          review.  The ARRT discipline handbook states, “ARRT
          investigates all potential ethics violations. The results   Conclusion
          will determine whether eligibility to apply for certifica-  Radiologic science programs can take proactive
          tion and registration is approved.” Deferring to ARRT   steps to ensure patient safety. By establishing policies
          policy ensures that the potential student is eligible to   that require criminal background checks and drug

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, May/June 2018, Volume 89, Number 5                                       525
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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