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                ƒ activate emergency medical response when   Once the adverse reaction is identified, early initial
               appropriate                                   management is initiated. Early management includes
                ƒ keep the patient alive until emergency responders  keeping the patient comfortable, calm, and reas-
               assume care or the patient is released        sured, and, whenever possible, moving him or her to
                ƒ advise patients regarding future contrast exposure  a sufficiently equipped treatment area.  For patients
            In the acute setting, a crucial, first goal in manag-  undergoing computed tomography or magnetic
          ing a reaction to contrast is recognizing that a reaction   resonance imaging, this often means moving the
          has occurred.  Because radiologic technologists and   patient out of the imaging suite and connecting him
          students often are present when a reaction initially is   or her to a pulse oximeter, a blood pressure monitor,
          revealed, they must be able to identify and classify con-  or other such monitoring devices. If patients have
          trast reactions confidently and efficiently. Symptoms   IV access for their scan, the radiologic technologist
          and signs can include a change in the patient’s appear-  should preserve this access until the responsible
          ance or behavior, and frequently the patient will report   provider indicates it can be discontinued. Although
          the symptoms he or she is experiencing. However, signs   additional IV access lines can be obtained, the ini-
          and symptoms can develop insidiously or be obscured;   tial line might represent the only or easiest route to
          for example, the patient’s mental status might render   administer lifesaving IV medications.
          him or her unable to report symptoms. In some cases   Treatment areas should include access to:
          innocuous or nonspecific symptoms can progress to     ƒ oxygen
          a life-threatening reaction. In these situations, noting   ƒ suction
          and characterizing the evolution of signs and symptoms   ƒ IV supplies
          quickly and correctly are key to identifying reactions   ƒ crash cart
          and life threats. In addition, noting the lack of progres-  ƒ contrast reaction kit
          sion or abatement of symptoms also can be a reassuring   ƒ phone and relevant phone numbers
          sign of stable or improving patient status.        Ease and immediacy of access to these items are criti-
            The second goal is to notify the responsible pro-  cal, as is having a clear and shared understanding of the
          vider that a reaction has occurred. The responsible   thresholds requiring activation of the emergency medi-
          provider serves as the leader of the early response team   cal system or a rapid response or code team alert.
          and supervises the management of such emergencies.
          Depending on local guidelines and regulations, this   Acute Adverse Reactions
          individual can be a:                                  Acute adverse reactions are labeled as mild, mod-
                ƒ physician                                  erate, or severe based on their risk of progression
                ƒ nurse practitioner                         and death, and each type could further be labeled as
                ƒ physician assistant                        anaphylactic or physiologic.  Anaphylactic reactions
                ƒ technologist                               include the initiation of the acute hypersensitivity
                ƒ designated staff member who is available   cascade. This initiation is different from a typical
          The responsible provider must be immediately on    allergic reaction in that an anaphylactic response
          site and given all critical information relevant to   has no contrast-molecule–related allergen-anti-
          determining the identification, cause, and treatment   body interaction.  Nevertheless, an anaphylactic
          of a reaction, including the:                      response results in the release of the same chemical
            ƒ nature of the response                         mediators from immune cells and can appear the
            ƒ timing of symptomatology                       same clinically. Physiologic reactions are related to
            ƒ patient’s general condition                    the toxic effects of contrast molecules on human
            ƒ other relevant demographic and clinical        organ systems and include hypertension, arrhythmia,
               patient details                               seizure, and vasovagal response.

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, July/August 2018, Volume 89, Number 6                                    603
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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