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          Adverse Reactions to Contrast: A Review

                ƒ seizure                                    Epidemiology and Common Risk Factors
                ƒ nephrotoxicity (can result in the subacute time  Adverse responses occur in 5% to 15% of IV
               frame, especially in patients who have pre-existing  administration of ionic high-osmolar contrast media,
               renal dysfunction)                            compared with 0.2% to 0.7% of IV nonionic low-
            The widespread adoption of nonionic contrast media   osmolar contrast media.  Of these responses, reactions
          and larger molecular complexes (low-osmolar contrast   requiring additional medical therapy occur in approxi-
          media) has resulted in a 10-fold decrease in the rate of   mately 0.04% of patients who receive IV low-osmolar
          adverse contrast reactions; as a result, these represent   contrast media. Allergiclike (anaphylactic) responses
          the most used agents. 3                            in patients undergoing IV gadolinium-based contrast
                                                             administration range between 0.013% and 0.22%
          Gadolinium-based Contrast Agents                   depending on the agent administered. 9
            Used primarily for magnetic resonance imag-         The most important risk factor for an adverse
          ing, gadolinium-based contrast agents consist of a   reaction is a previous reaction. In this regard, all iodin-
          gadolinium atom complexed to a large, specialized   ated contrast is considered equivalent.  Despite the
          macromolecule. The adverse reactions that can occur   common assumption of cross-reactivity between
          after administration of these agents are similar to those   gadolinium-based and iodinated contrast media, such
          occurring with iodinated contrast agents, although   cross-reactivity is not documented in the literature. In
          the rates of such reactions are lower with gadolinium   addition, a previous allergic reaction to shellfish does
          administration. 6,7                                not place the patient at greater risk of a reaction to
            Certain gadolinium-based contrast agents         iodinated contrast. 11,12
          (gadodiamide, gadopentetate dimeglumine, and gado-    Patients at higher risk of developing anaphylactic
          versetamide) are associated with the development of   reactions to contrast media are those who 9,13-15 :
          an often-fatal systemic soft tissue sclerosing condition     ƒ take multiple medications
          known as nephrogenic systemic fibrosis.  The mechanism     ƒ have environmental allergies (atopic)
          by which these medications cause nephrogenic systemic     ƒ have asthma
          fibrosis is unknown, but the in vivo dissociation of     ƒ have hypersensitivity-related disorders
          gadolinium from its macromolecule and the subsequent     ƒ have myasthenia gravis
          deposition of free gadolinium in soft tissues are thought   Risk factors also exist for physiologic contrast-related
          to be important steps. Thus, similar to iodinated con-  adverse events. For example, patients who have cardiac
          trast agents, the specifications of the macromolecule are   disease are at higher risk of developing cardiac-related
          important in determining the risk profile of the magnet-  contrast events. Cardiac toxicity is more common in
          ic resonance imaging contrast. The products associated   patients who undergo intracardiac contrast injection
          with nephrogenic systemic fibrosis development rarely   during angiography compared with those who undergo
          are used in clinical practice.                     IV contrast administration. 3
            Ultrasound contrast, initially approved for
          echocardiography by the U.S. Food and Drug         Reaction Management
          Administration in 2014, is approved for additional    Premedication regimens, usually consisting of oral
          intra-abdominal applications. Adverse reactions are   corticosteroids and diphenhydramine taken in the
          rare but can include headache, nausea, and dysgue-  days leading up to contrast administration, are used
          sia.  Extremely low rates of events with these agents   to decrease the risk of reactions in patients who have
          and their relatively limited use place them outside the   certain anaphylactic reactions.  The goals for managing
          scope of this review.                              patients who have certain anaphylactic reactions are to:
            Finally, oral and rectal contrast agents rarely result in     ƒ identify a reaction quickly and confidently
          acute adverse reactions.                                 ƒ address treatable conditions

          602                                                 RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, July/August 2018, Volume 89, Number 6
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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