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          Student Supervision in the Clinical Setting

          Leslie Winter, MS, R.T.(R)
          Julia Works, JD

                    edical imaging and radiation therapy edu-     review and approve the procedure and image.
                    cation programs require students to engage    Students must be supervised directly during all
                    in clinical and didactic education. Because   patient procedures; supervision of students over
         Mstudents are still learning and have not                closed-circuit monitors is not acceptable.
          achieved practitioner status, it is imperative that they     ƒ Medical dosimetry - The JRCERT defines direct
          are supervised in the clinical setting to ensure patient   supervision of medical dosimetry students as
          safety and proper educational practice. This column     supervision by a credentialed practitioner (eg, reg-
          identifies the Joint Review Committee on Education in   istered radiation therapist, credentialed medical
          Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) Standards and            physicist, licensed radiation oncologist) during all
          Objectives that address supervision of students in the   aspects of procedures with direct patient contact.
          clinical setting, associated legal implications, and some   The credentialed practitioner reviews the pro-
          best practices for enforcing and monitoring student     cedure in relation to the student’s achievement,
          supervision policies.                                   evaluates the condition of the patient in relation
                                                                  to the student’s knowledge, is physically present
          Direct Supervision                                      during the procedure, and reviews and approves
            The following are definitions and explanations for    the procedure. In addition, a credentialed practi-
          student supervision for each discipline :               tioner must approve dosimetry calculations and
                ƒ Radiography and magnetic resonance - Students   treatment plans before the plans are implemented.
               must be supervised directly until competency is
               achieved. The JRCERT defines direct supervi-  Indirect Supervision
               sion of students as supervision by a qualified   Indirect supervision promotes patient safety and
               radiographer or magnetic resonance technolo-  proper educational practices while allowing for student
               gist who reviews the procedure in relation to the  performance to progress in the clinical setting. The
               student’s achievement, evaluates the condition  JRCERT defines indirect supervision for radiography
               of the patient in relation to the student’s knowl-  and magnetic resonance as supervision provided by a
               edge, is physically present during the procedure,  qualified radiographer or magnetic resonance technolo-
               and reviews and approves the procedure and the  gist who is immediately available to assist students,
               image.                                        regardless of the level of student achievement. The
                ƒ Radiation therapy - The JRCERT defines direct  phrase, immediately available, is interpreted as the
               supervision of students as supervision by a   physical presence of a qualified radiographer or mag-
               qualified practitioner (eg, registered radiation  netic resonance technologist adjacent to the room or
               therapist, credentialed medical physicist, licensed  location where a radiography or magnetic resonance
               radiation oncologist) during all aspects of patient  student is performing a procedure. This availability
               procedures. The qualified practitioner must be  applies to all areas where ionizing radiation and mag-
               physically present during the procedure and   netic resonance equipment is in use on patients.

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, November/December 2018, Volume 90, Number 2                              209
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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