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          Vaccines: Policy and Education in Radiologic

          Sciences Programs

          Tracy Herrmann, PhD, R.T.(R), FAEIRS

                  accines are an important preventive measure   environment and preventive measures such as vaccines.
                  to decrease the potential consequences of   In addition, when programs undergo the accreditation
                  exposure to certain, mostly viral, diseases.   review process, they are asked to “Provide institution
          VAlthough vaccines cannot always prevent           and/or program policies and procedures that safeguard
          infection, they might prevent more serious illness and   the health and safety of students.”  Student vaccination
          death.  Vaccines are important for the health and safety   is 1 of these important policies and procedures.
          of health care workers and students, including radio-
          logic technologists, because they are more likely to be   Background and Historical Effect
          exposed to communicable disease as a part of their   of Vaccines
          daily work in the medical environment. Not only do    Vaccination is the introduction of a vaccine;
          vaccines protect the individual, they also protect those   immunization is the resulting protection against the
          who encounter the health care worker, including    disease. According to the World Health Organization
          patients, coworkers, family, and friends. With the   (WHO), vaccination protects against harmful disease
          recent COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of a      before contact by causing the individual’s immune
          healthy workforce to care for communities has been   system to create antibodies that build resistance to
          witnessed firsthand.                               a specific infectious agent. Vaccinations cause the
            The Joint Review Committee on Education in       body to increase T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes
          Radiologic Technology accreditation standards estab-  that retain memory needed to fight future viruses.   3
          lish educational expectations for medical imaging   Vaccines do this without putting the individual at
          and radiation therapy programs. These standards are   risk of getting the disease because they do not include
          “designed to promote academic excellence, patient safe-  active forms of the virus or bacteria.  This makes them
          ty, and quality healthcare.”  Standard 5.5 specifically   an excellent preventive measure in the fight against
          addresses the safety of students and mandates that “The   communicable diseases.
          sponsoring institution and/or program have policies   One of the greatest success stories in the history of
          and procedures that safeguard the health and safety of   vaccinations is smallpox eradication. Smallpox was con-
          students.” Standard 5.5 further explains:          sidered 1 of the “most persistent and serious of all the
                                                             pestilential diseases known to history.”  Edward Jenner
             Appropriate health and safety policies and
             procedures assure that students are part of a safe,   noticed that milkmaids who had previously had cowpox
             protected environment. These policies must, at   did not get smallpox. Using this information, he began
             a minimum, address campus safety, emergency     to test inoculations on others, creating the smallpox
             preparedness, harassment, communicable diseases,   vaccine in 1796. Smallpox was eradicated in 1980, and
             and substance abuse. Enrolled students must be   its eradication is considered a great achievement in
             informed of policies and procedures. 2          global health.  Another success story regarding vaccines
                                                             is Albert Sabin’s development of the world’s first oral
            This means that policies regarding communicable   live-virus vaccine, which was used in the battle against
          diseases should address safe practice in the clinical   poliomyelitis. He first successfully tested the vaccine

          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2023. All rights reserved.
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