Page 46 - Magnetic Resonance Flipbook
P. 46

Standard Five: Health and Safety

                    5.1    The program makes available to students and the public accurate
                           information about potential workplace hazards associated with magnetic

                    Information regarding the potential dangers of implants or foreign bodies in students must be published
                    and provided to students and the public. Programs must establish a safety screening protocol which
                    reflects current American College of Radiology (ACR) MR safety guidelines for all students that assures
                    they are appropriately screened for magnetic field or radiofrequency hazards. Policies should reflect that
                    students are mandated to notify the program should their status change.
                    Required Program Response:

                        •  Describe how this information is made available to students and the public.

                        •  Provide magnetic resonance safety screening protocol and screening tool.
                        •  Provide a copy of published materials

                    Possible Site Visitor Evaluation Methods:
                        •  Review of program website
                        •  Review of published program materials
                        •  Review of magnetic resonance safety screening protocol
                        •  Review of student records
                        •  Interviews with faculty

                        •  Interviews with clinical preceptor(s)
                        •  Interviews with students
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