Page 47 - Magnetic Resonance Flipbook
P. 47

Standard Five: Health and Safety

         5.2    The program has a published pregnancy policy that is made known to
                accepted and enrolled female students.

         The program must develop a pregnancy policy that includes provisions for the declared pregnant
         student to work in a safe environment. Appropriate safe practices help assure that magnetic fields and/or
         radiofrequency hazards to the student and fetus are kept to a minimum. The pregnancy policy must
         reflect currently accepted safety practices regarding magnetic fields and applied radiofrequencies.
         The pregnancy policy must be made known to accepted and enrolled female students, and include:

            •  a written notice of voluntary declaration,

            •  an option for written withdrawal of declaration, and
            •  an option for student continuance in the program without modification.

         The program may offer clinical component options such as clinical reassignments and/or leave of
         absence. Pregnancy policies should also be in compliance with Title IX regulations. The program should
         work with the Title IX coordinator and/or legal counsel to discuss and resolve any specific circumstances.

         The declared pregnant student who continues to work in and around the MR environment should not
         remain within the MR scanner room or Zone IV during actual data acquisition or scanning.
         Required Program Response:

            •  Describe how the pregnancy policy is made known to accepted and enrolled female students.
            •  Describe how the program assures that the declared pregnant student does not perform any
                duties within the MR scanner room or Zone IV during actual data acquisition or scanning.

            •  Provide a copy of the program’s pregnancy policy.

         Possible Site Visitor Evaluation Methods:
            •  Review of published program materials
            •  Review of student records
            •  Interviews with faculty

            •  Interviews with clinical preceptor(s)
            •  Interviews with students
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