Page 48 - Magnetic Resonance Flipbook
P. 48

Standard Five: Health and Safety

                      5.3    The program assures that students employ proper magnetic resonance
                      safety practices.


                      The program must assure that students are instructed in the utilization of imaging equipment, accessories,
                      optimal imaging parameters, and proper patient screening and positioning to minimize the risk of hazards
                      associated with magnetic fields and radiofrequencies. These practices assure the safety of patients,
                      students, and others. Students must understand basic magnetic resonance safety practices prior to
                      assignment to clinical settings. As students progress in the program, they must become increasingly
                      proficient in the application of magnetic resonance safety practices.

                      The program must also assure magnetic resonance safety in Zone IV of the magnetic resonance imaging
                      environment. Student utilization of an operational laboratory must be under the direct supervision of a
                      qualified magnetic resonance technologist who is available should students need assistance. Programs
                      must develop policies regarding the safe and appropriate use of operational laboratories by students
                      including, but not limited to, scanning volunteers. For programs that scan volunteers, informed consent
                      must be obtained from the volunteer and a protocol must be established for incidental findings.
                      Required Program Response:

                         •  Describe how the curriculum sequence and content prepares students for safe magnetic
                             resonance practices.
                         •  Describe the use of MR operational laboratories, if applicable..
                         •  Describe the policies and/or procedures associated with the use of operational laboratories,
                             including the use of volunteers, if applicable.
                         •  Provide the curriculum sequence.
                         •  Provide policies/procedures regarding magnetic resonance safety.

                      Possible Site Visitor Evaluation Methods:

                         •  Review of program curriculum
                         •  Review of magnetic resonance safety policies/procedures
                         •  Review of student handbook
                         •  Review of student records
                         •  Interviews with faculty
                         •  Interviews with clinical preceptor(s)
                         •  Interviews with clinical staff
                         •  Interviews with students
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