Page 76 - Magnetic Resonance Flipbook
P. 76

Example Assessment Plan and Analysis-Associate Level Critical Thinking Goal

         Goal – Students will develop and apply effective critical thinking skills.
         Student       Measurement       Timeframe –     Benchmark      Actual Data        Past 3 – 5 years of Data
         Learning      Tools –           A formative     –              Results -          Results –
         Outcomes –   A minimum of 2     measure used    Should be a    Include the number  Identify each year’s results
                       measuring         (while students   score above   of students       separately for comparison
                       tools/assessment   are in the first   passing.    evaluated         purposes.
                       methods per       year of the     Examples
                       student learning   program), and a  are:
                       outcome is        summative       A percentage
                       required.         measure used    score,
                                         (when students   A score based
                                         are close to    on a scale,
                                         program         such as a
                                         completion      Likert score
                                         and/or          (include the
                                         graduates) is   scale)
                                         for best
         1.  Students   Lab simulation   Semester 3      Students will   2021 (Year)        2020   9.04   n = 10
         will adapt    grading form                      receive a                          2019   9.30   n = 8
         magnetic      Items # 6 - 8                     score ≥ 8.5    Average = 8.9       2018   8.80   n = 8
         resonance                                       (average       (average score for   2017   8.2    n = 8
         procedures                                      score for      cohort)             2016   8.70   n = 9
         for non-                                        cohort)
         routine                                         (on a 10-      n = 9/9

         situations.                                     point scale)   (number of
                                                                        students who met
                                                                        of students who
                       Performance       Semester 5      Students will   2021               2020   9.34   n =10
                       evaluation form:                  receive a                          2019   9.30   n = 8
                       Items # 3a & 3b –                 score ≥ 9.0    Average = 9.2       2018   8.80   n = 8
                       Identification of                 (on a 10-                          2017   9.33   n = 8
                       artifacts and                     point scale)   n = 8/9             2016   9.70   n = 9

         2. Students   Image critique    Semester 3      Students will   2021               2020   8.40   n =10
         will critique  assignment and                   receive a                          2019   8.20   n = 8
         images for    presentation                      score ≥ 8.0    Average = 8.5       2018   8.53   n = 8
         diagnostic    Items # 9 & 10                    (on a 10-                          2017   7.41   n = 8
         quality.                                        point scale)    n = 8/9            2016   8.70   n = 9

                       Image critique    Semester 5      Students will   2021               2020   9.05  n = 10
                       clinical                          receive a                          2019   9.7    n = 8
                       evaluation form                   score ≥ 9.0    Average= 8.9        2018   9.65   n = 8
                       Item # 12                         (on a 10-                          2017   8.73   n = 8
                                                         point scale)    n = 7/9            2016   8.90   n = 9
   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81