Page 21 - JRCERT Peer 2 Peer Newsletters
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Joint Review Committee on                                                          Newsletter Summer 2022
            Education in Radiologic Technology                                                      Volume 4, Issue 1


            Greetings from Chicago and welcome to the Summer 2022 issue of peer2peer! There is
            bountiful information in this issue including changes to policies, changes to our portal
            and website, reimbursement procedures, and much more.

            The JRCERT Board of Directors and Staff would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude
            to all of our amazing site visitors. Your dedication and support, particularly over the
            last few years, is a huge reason why the JRCERT continues to fulfill its mission of
            promoting excellence in education and elevating the quality and safety of patient care.
            We definitely could not do it without you and we thank you for your continued support
            of programmatic accreditation.

            All the best,
                                                                                         Ms. Leslie F. Winter, M.S., R.T.(R)
                                                                                         Chief Executive Officer
            At its Spring 2022 meeting, the JRCERT Board of Directors adopted the American   “The JRCERT is committed to
            Society of Radiologic technologists’ 2022 Radiography Curriculum. The      excellence in education and
            implementation date for all radiography programs is September 1, 2023.     believes that educational
                                                                                       quality cannot be
                                                                                       compromised. Integrity and
            SITE VISIT MODIFICATIONS                                                   high ethical principles are the

            The JRCERT continues to allow for some site visit modifications as some clinical   fundamental values that guide
            settings are not permitting visitors. Policy Statement 11.610 permits hybrid site visits   the JRCERT in a fair and
            due to catastrophic events, although the JRCERT must approve any hybrid site visit.   unbiased accreditation
                                                                                       process. The JRCERT is
                                                                                       committed in assuring that
                                                                                       these core values are reflected
                                                                                       throughout the site visit by
                                                                                       respecting and protecting the
                                                                                       rights of students and assuring
                                                                                       patient safety.”
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