Page 23 - JRCERT Peer 2 Peer Newsletters
P. 23

As you know, the site visit team also gets an opportunity to evaluate each other. Team
                                         members and Team Chairs both rated each other an overall performance evaluation of 3.9
                                         (4-point scale).
                                         The 2021 evaluations of site visitors, compared to the 2020 evaluations, indicate an increase
                                         in the Team Chair’s communication skills during the site visit process and in their ability to
                                         mentor their team member/apprentice. Similarly, when Team Chairs evaluated Team
                                         Members, there was an increase in their evaluation of the Team Member’s time management
                                         skills and ability to discern between acceptable and unacceptable program policies,
                                         procedures, and situations.

                                         YOU ASKED, WE ANSWERED!

                  Site Visitor Recommendation                              JRCERT Response

         There needs to be an option to upload files when submit-  Good news! Our new Portal allows for the upload of docu-
         ting the Report of Site Visit Team Findings (RSVTF).  I   ments prior to submitting the RSVTF.  We are hoping in the
         needed to provide up to date ARRT scores and ended up   near future to add the checklist as a digital checklist within
         emailing them in with the Site Visit Checklist and the Dis-  the RSVTF, but for now, those items can be uploaded with
         tance Education form.                                the RSVTF.

         When citations are changed following a site visit, it would   We are in the process of creating a document that will do
         be nice to have an explanation on why to help me learn to   just that; we hope to have it in place by January of 2023.
         do a better job.

         I did not realize that when we use a rental car, that I   Rental cars are not a typical need for a site visit, but if one
         would have to put that charge on my own credit card and   is warranted, the site visitor will likely need to charge the
         then file for reimbursement.                         car to their own expenses and be reimbursed following the
                                                              site visit. Rental cars must be a pre-approved expense.
         I wish the RSVTF had a “preview” button prior to submit-  Our new portal now offers a preview button for the RSVTF.
         ting it.  This would be helpful during exit summations.   Yes!!

                                         RENTAL CARS

                                         Rental cars not provided by the program must be approved by the JRCERT. The site visitor
                                         will be responsible for paying for the car upfront and the JRCERT will reimburse the amount
                                         upon submission of the site visitor expense voucher.

                                         PERSONAL VEHICLES
                                         Driving a personal vehicle to the site visit is allowed. JRCERT will reimburse milage (see ex-
                                         pense voucher) up to the cost of the lowest airfare.

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