Page 37 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 37

E-Learning                                                                 Clinical Preceptor

            To celebrate National Radiologic Technology Week, we will be offering two eLearning
            courses through our Learning Management System (LMS) free of charge to our programs.
            These courses can be used in your classrooms or shared with your clinical staff. They are
                                                                                       The JRCERT has developed a
            “Providing Performance Feedback” and “Supporting Change”. These are non-credit courses
            which can be located via the LMS login page from our website. Program officials will have   curriculum vitae template for
            access to these courses, but the LMS platform will not be available to students.
                                                                                       programs wishing to recognize a
            Additionally, we have for-credit eLearning courses available for registration on our website.   new clinical preceptor.  As a
            They include “Developing an Outcomes Assessment Plan” (1.75 CEUs), “Introduction to the
                                                                                       reminder, clinical preceptors
            JRCERT Accreditation Process” (1.0 CEU), and “Interpreting the JRCERT 2021 Standards for
            an Accredited Educational Program” (2.5 CEUs). These courses allow program officials to   must document two years’
            have the opportunity to apply information in a self-paced course with peers and JRCERT
                                                                                       clinical experience in the
            professional staff. These courses may take anywhere from two to six hours to complete, so
                                                                                       professional discipline, hold a
            please make sure to plan accordingly when deciding to register for successful course
            completion. A complete listing and dates of events can be found on our “Calendar of   current certification and
            Upcoming Events” on our website.
                                                                                       registration (ARRT or MDCB) in
            We have also developed a substitution policy for individuals who prefer to complete   the appropriate modality, and be
            eLearning courses in lieu of attending the Accreditation Seminar and/or Outcomes
                                                                                       proficient in the supervision,
            Assessment Workshop. The crosswalk for approved substitution can be located here.
                                                                                       instruction, and evaluation of
            Please make sure to take advantage of the “Developing an Interim Report” module as you
            prepare for submission of your interim report. You will be automatically enrolled about six   students.  If a clinical preceptor
            months prior to your due date and have the opportunity to review what components need   candidate does not document
            to be included in your interim report under the 2021 Standards for an Accredited
                                                                                       proficiency in supervision,
            Educational Program.
                                                                                       instruction, and evaluation, they
            Courses currently being developed are “Conducting a Quality Site Visit” designed for site
            visitors and “Preparing for a Program Site Visit” designed for program officials. Look for   may be identified as acting for
            these course offerings in 2022! If you have any suggestions or questions, please submit   one year.  Programs do not need
            them to Tricia Leggett at
                                                                                       to retroactively submit this form
                                                                                       for clinical preceptors that have
            Clinical Setting Accreditors                                               already been approved.  This
                                                                                       form should not be used for
                                                                                       submitting documentation for a
            At the October 2021 Board of Directors meeting, the JRCERT officially recognized the
            American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) Accreditation Program for Excellence   new clinical coordinator.  The
            (APEx) as an acceptable accreditor for clinical setting approval.  Programs looking to
                                                                                       clinical preceptor curriculum
            recognize a new clinical setting are able to submit APEx accreditation as part of the
            documentation required for clinical setting approval.  The full list of approved clinical   vitae template can be found
            setting accreditors is below:                                              here.
                •  The Joint Commission (TJC)
                •  DNV Healthcare, Inc.
                •  Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program (HFAP)
                •  American College of Radiology (ACR)
                •  American College of Radiation Oncology (ACRO)
                •  Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care, Inc. (AAAHC)
                •  Center for Improvement in Healthcare Quality (CIHQ)
                •  Urgent Care Association (UCA)
                •  National Urgent Care Center Accreditation (NUCCA)
                •  American Society for Radiation Oncology Accreditation Program for                        3
                   Excellence (APEx)
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