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Spring 2021 Board Update
              Asked Questions                   The JRCERT Board of Directors met virtually on April 22, 2021 for their biannual meeting.
                                                The Board discussed many important issues and topics and took accreditation actions on
                                                numerous programs.  A summary of the April 2021 Board Meeting can be found here.

              The uncertainty of the COVID-     At the conclusion of the April meeting, Bette Schans, Ph.D., R.T.(R), FASRT and Loraine
                                                Zelna, M.S., R.T.(R)(MR) completed their six-year terms serving on the Board.  The
              19 pandemic yielded several
                                                organization thanks Dr. Schans and Ms. Zelna for all of their hard work and dedication over
              questions among JRCERT-           their tenures.
              accredited programs.  To assist   Kae Fleming, Ed.D., R.T.(R) and Meredith Brown, M.S., R.T.(R) were installed as directors at
              programs in answering these       the conclusion of the meeting.  Dr. Fleming is currently the Dean of Health Sciences at
                                                Columbia State Community College in Columbia, TN and Ms. Brown is the radiography
              inquiries, the JRCERT hosted
                                                program director at McLennan Community College in Waco, TX.  The organization is excited
              several Townhall meetings.        to welcome Dr. Fleming and Ms. Brown to the Board and look forward to the insight and
              While registration for these      experience that they will bring.
              meetings quickly filled, the      The Board also appointed a new Executive Committee: Julie Lasley, Ph.D., R.T.(R)(T) is the
                                                Chair; Tracy L. Herrmann, Ph.D., R.T.(R), FAEIRS is First Vice Chair; Mahsa Dehghanpour,
              JRCERT has made available the
                                                Ed.D., CMD is Second Vice Chair; and Chad N. Hensley, III, Ph.D., R.T.(R)(MR) remains
              most commonly asked               Secretary/Treasurer.
              questions in videos on the
                                                Jason Stephenson, M.D. and David Daugherty, M.B.A., C.R.A., R.T.(R)(CT)(MR), FACHE
              JRCERT YouTube Channel.           recently resigned as directors.  The JRCERT has requested nominees from the American
                                                College of Radiology (ACR) and the Association for Medical Imaging Management (AHRA).
              Additionally, there is a
              dedicated COVID-19 FAQ page
                                                Interim Reports
              on the JRCERT website.  As
              always, if you cannot find the
                                                JRCERT Policy 10.300, Policy Statement 10.302 requires programs accredited for eight
              answer to your question,
                                                years to submit an interim report.  This interim report is submitted during the fourth year
              please contact the JRCERT         of the eight year accreditation award and provides assurance that the program has
              office and we will be happy to    continued to meet accreditation standards since the last accreditation award.  This
                                                includes providing yearly documentation for supervision requirements and analysis/
              assist you.
                                                sharing of program effectiveness and student learning outcome data.
                                                With the implementation of the 2021 Standards, the process for submission and review of
                                                the interim report changed slightly.  Six months before the interim report is due, the
                                                program director will receive notification from the office that the report is due and that
                                                they may access the interim report via the AMS Portal.  Soon after this notification, a
                                                JRCERT professional staff member will reach out to the program offering initial advice and
                                                additional resources.  The program director will then be enrolled in an optional interim
                                                report module in the LINK LMS.  After completing the module, the program can reach out
                                                to the professional staff member for a phone conference if they have additional questions
                                                or concerns.
                                                After the interim report is submitted through the Portal, staff will review the
                                                documentation and then forward the report to the JRCERT Board of Directors for
                                                Many resources are available to programs as they work to submit their interim report:
                                                Interim Report Checklist, Interim Report Module, 2021 Standards Flipbooks, and JRCERT
                                                Professional Staff.  You are strongly encouraged to utilize these resources to submit the
                                                best possible interim report.

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