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JRCERT Flipbooks

            The 2021 Standards were implemented January 1, 2021.  In addition to PDF versions of
            the Standards documents, the JRCERT also provides a Flipbooks version of the
            Standards.  The Flipbooks versions provide a more dynamic approach to the document.    System Modules
            Additionally, the Flipbooks version has an appendix which provides a repository of
            additional information.  Currently, the Flipbooks has sample assessment plans, sample
            meeting minutes, an example of a curriculum map, the program effectiveness data
                                                                                       The JRCERT will soon be
            template, the Breast Imaging Policy Position Statement, magnetic resonance safety
                                     screening protocol information, and grievance policy   expanding the course offerings
                                     information.  More resources will be added to the   in the LINK Learning
                                     Flipbooks in the future.  If you have any ideas for
                                     potential resources to add, please contact the office.   Management System.  In
                                                                                       addition to the Interpreting the
                                     A glossary of terms is provided in both the Flipbooks
                                     version and the PDF version of the Standards.  In this   2021 Standards course being
                                     glossary, you will find definitions of several terms as
                                                                                       offered, the LINK will also
                                     they relate to JRCERT accreditation.  Clinical
                                     obligations, articulation agreements, distance    begin offering a facilitated
                                     education, and communities of interest are just a   Outcomes Assessment course,
                                     few of the terms included in the Glossary.  Please be   as well as an independent
                                     sure to reference this glossary when utilizing the
                                     Standards documents.                              Introduction to the JRCERT
                                                                                       Accreditation Process.  Other
                                                                                       offerings are also in
             Town Hall Meeting                                                         development and review

                                                                                       stages.  For more information
             On May 20 , 2021, the JRCERT hosted a series of Townhall sessions.  CEO Leslie Winter
             provided an update on the organization, addressed the continuing challenges many   regarding the LINK Learning
                                                      programs are facing, and         Management System,
                                                      answered questions from the
                                                                                       including frequently asked
                                                      attendees.  Associate
                                                      Director Traci Lang              questions and an orientation
                                                      moderated the event.  Each       video, visit the FAQ tab at
                                                      of the four sessions was filled
                                                      to capacity and the JRCERT
                                                      hopes that the attendees
                                                      found the information
                                                      helpful and educational.

                                                      If you were unable to attend
                                                      the May sessions, a recording
                                                      is available here.  You may
             also access the video by visiting the JRCERT’s YouTube Channel or by clicking on the
             YouTube link from the JRCERT’s website.
             The JRCERT is planning to hold another session in November 2021.  Please be on the   Learning
             lookout for a broadcast email with more information in the future.



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