Page 43 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 43

Annual Reports                                                             New Programs

            The JRCERT will be distributing information regarding the 2020 Program Annual Report by
            July.  This year’s reporting process will be very similar to last year’s.  Radiography, radiation
                                                                                       Congratulations and welcome
            therapy, and magnetic resonance programs are reminded that they must submit a copy of
            the Candidate Exam Results report from the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists   to our newly accredited
            (ARRT) using the graduation date range of 1/2016 – 12/2020.  Medical dosimetry programs   programs!  Since the October
            must submit the Medical Dosimetrist Certification Board (MDCB) reports from 2016-2020,
            indicating the number of graduates who passed on the first attempt during each year of   2020 meeting of the Board of
            this period.  Additionally, all programs will be required to submit a completed   Directors, three applicant
            representative sample of documentation that reflects employment verification for
                                                                                       programs have been awarded
            students graduating during 2020.  Resources to help complete the 2020 Program Annual
            Report will be available on the JRCERT website soon.                       initial JRCERT accreditation.
                                                                                       The sponsoring institutions and
            The completed 2020 Program Annual report will be due October 8, 2021 for programs
            whose final 2020 class graduation was between January 1 and September 30, 2020.  For   program officials are to be
            programs whose final 2020 class graduation was between October 1 and December 31,   commended for their hard
            2020, the 2020 Program Annual Report will be due January 14, 2022.  The JRCERT thanks
            its programs for taking the time to complete the 2020 Program Annual Report, and, as   work and demonstrated high
            always, we are here to help should you need any assistance.                levels of professionalism:

                                                                                       Keiser University/West Palm
            Mitigating Circumstances                                                   Beach Campus
                                                                                       West Palm Beach, FL
            The JRCERT limits the response time for sponsors and programs to comply with the
            relevant accreditation standards by establishing the following maximum timeframe for
                                                                                       Rasmussen University -
                                                                                       Fort Myers
                i.  eighteen (18) months from the date of notice of non-compliance if the program is  Fort Myers, FL
                   at least one (1) year but less than two (2) years in length;        Radiography

                ii. twenty-four (24) months from the date of notice of non-compliance if the   Trenholm State Community
                   program is two (2) years or longer in length.                       College
                                                                                       Montgomery, AL
            Consistent with Policy 11.400, Procedures 11.404A and 11.404B and United States
            Department of Education (USDE) regulations, the program must be in compliance with all
            relevant accreditation standards by the timeframes listed above, or identify mitigating
            circumstances hindering the attainment of this outcome.  If the program does not
            document compliance within the specified timeframe, the JRCERT must withdraw the
            program’s accreditation unless the JRCERT, for good cause, extends the period for
            achieving compliance.
            Consistent with Policy 11.400, Procedure 11.405B, in order to be considered for a good
            cause extension, the program must identify the mitigating circumstances and provide the
                •  Listing of all students currently enrolled in the program, including those admitted
                   since the program was initially placed on Probation;
                •  Anticipated graduation date(s) for the above students;

                •  Status and results of previously implemented action plan(s) to address the areas
                   of non-compliance; and
                •  Action plan to aid students in the event that accreditation is withdrawn for failure
                   to document full compliance with the STANDARDS.
            At the April 2021 JRCERT Board of Directors Meeting, the Board approved the addition of a
            fee for consideration of a good cause extension.  This $500 fee will be implemented April
            22, 2022 and will be invoiced to the program when the above information is received.  If
                                                                                     C                       5
            you have any questions when requesting good cause extensions for mitigating
            circumstances, please contact JRCERT Professional Staff.
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