Page 48 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 48

Distance Education Best Practices Fall 2020
                                                                                       The Link

            The JRCERT Distance Education Best Practices guide is now available here. The JRCERT
            has established this resource to assist programs who have had to transition at least some
            component of their program to remote learning due to the ongoing coronavirus (Covid-19)   The JRCERT’s learning
            worldwide pandemic. The Distance Education Best Practices Guide contains information   management system LINK is up
                                               regarding how to get started with course
                                                                                       and running!  Since July, several
                                               development as well as instructional
                                               materials and course activities for     program directors have been
                                               consideration. This guide also discusses   enrolled in an Interim Report
                                               course technology matters in addition
                                                                                       module preparing them for
                                               to a section detailing support services
                                               for both learner and faculty.           submission of their Interim
                                               Considerations on how to improve
                                                                                       Reports under the 2021
                                               overall student engagement and
                                               usability are also discussed. Additional   Standards.  Attendees to
                                               online resources to aid programs with   webinars and workshops have
                                               remote learning are also available for
                                                                                       also been enrolled in LINK as a
                                               programs to peruse. Please take the
                                               opportunity to review this guide and    supplement.  We look forward
                                               implement the information               to having more program
            provided  into future curriculum delivery. As always, contact the JRCERT office if you
                                                                                       directors and program officials
            should have any further questions regarding distance education learning.
                                                                                       utilize the LINK as more
            JRCERT Flipbooks                                                           resources become available.

                                                                                       The 2021 Standards Course is
            The JRCERT is pleased to offer a new, interactive format for the presentation of various
                                                                                       now open for enrollment.  The
            documents.  The JRCERT has utilized Flipbook software to organize and display the new
            2021 Standards for all modalities.  Readers will find links embedded in the document to   first courses are available on the
            websites with additional information, as well as to the glossary to help clarify certain
                                                                                       JRCERT calendar at
            terms.  These Standards Flipbooks also contain printable resources, including assessment
            plan examples, sample meeting minutes, curriculum maps, and much more.
            The JRCERT has also developed a Flipbook titled Best Practices for Distance Education
                                                                                       If you have any ideas for future
            Programs.  The purpose of this document is to aid programs that have been thrust into a
            distance education format due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  The document provides   modules or courses for the LINK,
            several points of consideration when developing and implementing a distance education
                                                                                       please send your suggestions to
            course, as well as a list of resources for additional information.
                                                                                       the office.
            Go to today to discover more about our Flipbooks resources!

            Town Hall Meeting

            The JRCERT was happy to host four Townhall sessions on November 10, 2020.  Leslie
            Winter, CEO hosted and Traci Lang, Associate Director moderated.  Leslie and Traci ad-
            dressed many questions related to COVID-19, the 2021 Standards, and other accredita-
            tion matters.  The JRCERT thanks all of those that attended and provided questions before
            and during the sessions.  Be on the lookout for additional Townhalls in the future.  A re-
            cording of the sessions will be provided in the near future.  Be sure to check the JRCERT
            website and Facebook for a link to this recording when it becomes available.

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