Page 66 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
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Customer Satisfaction with the JRCERT (cont’d)

            Chart 1:  2019 JRCERT Customer Satisfaction Results with Benchmark Trend Line

            Table 2:  Action Plans Addressing Customer Needs

             JRCERT Area            Initiative                  Completed/
                                                                In Progress/Future
             AMS Portal             Development of additional infor-  Completed
                                    mation to be submitted through portal
                                    Revision of portal with 2021 Standards   In Progress
                                    Enhancements to portal      In Progress/Future
                                                                                      “The JRCERT
             Resources/Professional   Development of educational modules   Completed
             Development                                                              supports excellence
                                    Updating YouTube videos     In Progress
                                                                                      at every level and
                                    Resources for new 2021 Standards   In Progress
                                    Development and implementation of   In Progress/Future   strives to attain it in
                                    JRCERT LINK (LMS platform)
                                                                                      all endeavors.”
                                    Development of workshops and   In Progress/Future
                                    eLearning courses to be placed on
                                    JRCERT LINK

             Site Visitors and Process   Development of Peer2Peer Newsletter   Completed
                                    Revision of site visit surveys   Completed
                                    Revised site visit process for continuity   Completed
                                    and communication with professional
                                    Development of site visitor    In Progress/Future
                                    educational resources

             Staff Improvement      “Brown Bag” lunches for staff   Implemented
                                    professional development
                                    Regular meetings to discuss Standards   Implemented
                                    for consistency
                                    Review and revision of internal   Completed
                                    processes to enhance effectiveness
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