Page 71 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
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Volume 5, Number 1                                                                       Spring 2019


            A Publication of the Joint Review Committee on
            Education in Radiologic Technology

            From the CEO                                                                Inside this issue:

            The cold of winter has finally subsided,                                    Board Update          2
            and the warm weather is finally here!                                       Excellence in Education
            The JRCERT Board and Staff have been
            very busy this year and we appreciate                                       Standards Revision Update  3
            the support that all of you provide the
                                                                                        New Modules           4
            organization.  Please be sure to read
            through this newsletter in order to stay                                    Organizational Report
            current on important updates to                                             Additional Information
            initiatives and policies.  We wish you all
                                                                                        Annual Reports        5
            safe summer months and hope to see
            many of you at the 50  Anniversary                                          Outcomes/Accreditation
            Conference here in Chicago in
            November!                                                                   MRI Safety Policy     6
            Leslie                                                                      Required Documentation
                                              Leslie Winter, M.S., R.T.(R)              for Interim Reports
                                              Chief Executive Officer
                                                                                        The JRCERT Welcomes   7

            Curriculum Updates                                                          New Programs
                                                                                        New Employees
            At its 2019 April Meeting, the JRCERT   Curriculum as sponsored by the American
            Board of Directors elected to adopt two   Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT),   The J  RCERT is the only agency
            revised curricula.  The Board adopted   as well as the 2019 Medical Dosimetry   recognized by the United States
                                                                                     Department of Education (USDE)
            the 2019 Radiation Therapy Professional   Educational Program Curriculum Guidelines   and the Council for Higher
                                               as sponsored by the American Association   Education Accreditation (CHEA)
                                                                                     for the accreditation of traditional
                                               of Medical Dosimetrists (AAMD).  Both   and distance delivery education
                                               newly adopted curricula have          programs in radiography, radiation
                                                                                     therapy, magnetic resonance, and
                                               implementation dates of September 1,
                                                                                     medical dosimetry.
                                               2020.  The JRCERT will be providing
                                               updated curriculum guides under the
                                               Program Director and Faculty tab of the
                                               JRCERT website soon.
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