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STANDARDS Revision Update

            December 2019

            The JRCERT Standards Committee would like to update you on the progress of the Standards Revision. Draft 3 was published for comment
            in July 2019.  The committee met in October to thoroughly review each comment from all stakeholders to identify any concerns or themes.
            Feedback and comments were obtained through surveys, emails, and formal correspondence.  The following chart provides some
            interesting information regarding the feedback received for Draft 3.

                     Feedback             Radiography       Therapy           Magnetic             Medical
                    Mechanism                                                Resonance            Dosimetry
             Email and/or phone comments      0                0                0                    1

             Survey Comments:   1            21                4                3                    0

            1: Numbers represent the total number of participants per survey, not question.  Therefore, the true response rate is not provided.

            The JRCERT is grateful for the feedback from the following national and state organizations for providing thoughtful feedback.  The
            following is a listing of organizations that provided official feedback: American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) - Radiation Therapy
            and Medical Dosimetry Chapter, Association of Educators in Imaging and Radiologic Sciences (AEIRS), Medical Dosimetry Certification Board
            (MDCB), and The Association of Educators in Radiologic Technology of the State of New York (AERTSNY).
            Based on this feedback, the Standards Committee has made appropriate changes and prepared a Draft 3 Revision document. All previous
            drafts remain on the website for transparency.  Some noteworthy changes in the Draft 3 Revised document are as follows:
                Standard Three:
                       The requirement for the program director to have a doctoral degree for a master’s level program changed to a master’s
                       required, doctoral degree preferred.
                       Magnetic Resonance (MR) – changed the program director requirement to MR credentialing preferred, not required.
                Standard Four:
                       ‘Programs must assure the mission is of sufficient rigor’ removed.
                       Professionalism has been incorporated into the narrative.
                Standard Five:
                       Language clarified to assure that magnetic resonance orientation is provided prior to the clinical experience.

            For transparency, the Draft 3 Revisions document is now available for review and comment. Comments will be accepted until April 1, 2020.
            Any comment(s) submitted will be reviewed by the Standards Committee prior to the final draft being adopted at the April 2020 Board of
            Directors meeting with an implementation date of January 1, 2021.
            The project remains on schedule and you can review the complete timetable at our main Standards Revision webpage or by clicking
            Standards Revision Project Timetable.
            We welcome comments at any time, so if you were unable to respond to one of the previous surveys, please feel free to send comments to
  ,, or look for a JRCERT representative at an upcoming conference.
            As always, we look forward to your continued input and to publishing the final draft of the Standards in April.

            Lorie Zelna, M.S., R.T.(R)(MR)
            Standards Committee Chair
            First Vice Chair – JRCERT Board of Directors
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