Page 68 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 68

                                                                                      JRCERT Office
            There are many exciting things going on at the JRCERT! Education and professional
            development is paramount to the JRCERT and is evident from our mission, vision, and core
            values of the organization. In fact, it is even given its own strategic plan goal. Major Goal #3   The winter season has arrived early
            is to utilize innovative strategies that assure the JRCERT is at the forefront of education and
                                                                                      in Chicago!  Areas in the region saw
            accreditation. One of the initiatives to achieve the JRCERT being at the forefront of
            education and accreditation is the implementation and utilization of a learning   several inches of snow on
            management system (LMS).                                                  Halloween and -10°F windchills the

            To that end, we would like to introduce you to JRCERT LINK (Learning Innovation   day after Veteran’s Day.  With
            Networking Knowledge) as the LMS platform that will be unveiled in 2020. The LMS will   dropping temperatures and
            enable the JRCERT to extend its professional development and educational opportunities to   increasing snowfall come
            our program faculty and site visitors and an even wider audience. As a starting point, we
                                                                                      dangerous commutes.  The JRCERT
            are planning on rolling out the various workshops (Accreditation, Outcomes Assessment
            and Site Visitor) as eLearning courses. We will also be developing other courses that may   office may close at times during the
            range from assessment to professionalism.                                 winter months to ensure the safety
            We will also investigate hosting Zoom webinars and using these as a mechanism for   of staff.  Please be sure to check the
            providing supplemental materials for our face-to-face workshops, as well as site visitor   marquee on the JRCERT home page
            repositories. Once a more tangible schedule and materials are developed, further
                                                                                      at for updates on
            information such as login information and navigation of the platform will be distributed. If
                                                                                      emergency closings.  JRCERT staff
            you have ideas for courses you would like to see developed, please contact the office and
            let us know.                                                              will respond to your inquiries and
                                                                                      correspondence as soon as possible
                                                                                      during such closings.

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