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          The JRCERT Accreditation Process: A Site Visitor’s Perspective

          team to assure there are no conflicts of interest. After   the clinical component of the program. At the end of
          team members complete confidentiality statements, the   the first day, the team starts developing a Report of Site
          team chair works with the program director to develop   Visit Team Findings and compiles a list of outstanding
          the site visit agenda. Approximately 2 to 3 months   information. On day 2, the site visit team concludes
          before the on-site evaluation, the site visitors receive the   interviews and completes the remaining document
          program’s self-study materials, and the peer-review pro-  reviews. Around mid-day, the site visitors convene to
          cess for accreditation begins.                     complete their report of findings.
            The site visit team reviews the self-study materials,   The site visit is concluded with an official exit sum-
          including the narrative responses and supporting docu-  mation meeting, but prior to that, the site visitors meet
          mentation, and collaborates during the preliminary   with the site’s program director to review their findings.
          review process. If additional or clarifying information is   This courtesy review helps clear up any misunder-
          required, the team chair will communicate those needs   standings that might have developed during the visit
          to the program director. If updates to the original self-  and assures the program director that there will be no
          study submission are necessary, the program director   surprises at the exit summation meeting. The program’s
          must submit the updates to the site visitors at least 4   communities of interest, as determined by the program,
          weeks before the on-site visit.                    are invited to attend the exit summation meeting. At
                                                             the meeting, the site visit team chair reads the Report
          The Site Visit                                     of Site Visit Team Findings and explains that the report
            Upon arriving at the program location, the site visi-  is not final. The JRCERT staff completes the final
          tors compare notes and finalize the 2-day site visit plan.   review and makes modifications, if necessary, to ensure
          Often, team members are meeting in person for the first   that the report accurately reflects JRCERT standards.
          time and must clarify their roles and responsibilities in   The staff then prepares a package of relevant materials,
          advance of the on-site evaluation. The JRCERT office   including the program’s self-study report, the Report
          staff is available if the site visitors require guidance dur-  of Site Visit Team Findings, and the official Report
          ing the visit. To assess whether the program is operating   of Findings, which is sent to the JRCERT Board of
          in compliance with JRCERT standards and objectives,   Directors for review.
          the site visitors verify that the program operations are
          consistent with the narrative descriptions and support-  Board Review
          ing documentation in the self-study report. Possible site   The JRCERT Board of Directors oversees the final
          visitor verification methods might include:        step in the accreditation review process. The JRCERT
            ■   Review of published program materials.       Board of Directors is composed of highly qualified
            ■   Review of student academic and clinical records.  individuals nominated by various professional orga-
            ■   Review of clinical placement process.        nizations or selected directly by the JRCERT. The
            ■   Interviews with program faculty, clinical instruc-  board meets monthly to review accreditation recom-
               tors, and clinical staff.                     mendations for 20 to 40 radiologic science education
            ■   Interviews with students.                    programs. Under the leadership of the board team chair,
            ■   A tour of program offices and clinical settings. 1  the board members review, discuss, and determine
            The site visit team, program officials, and institu-  program accreditation awards. Officials of sponsoring
          tional administrators begin day 1 of the site visit with an   institutions and programs promptly are notified of the
          introductory meeting. The site visit team chair reads the   accreditation award decision in a letter that specifies
          JRCERT confidentiality statement, explains the accredi-  the length of the accreditation award. The board can
          tation cycle, and reviews the site visit agenda. The team   ask program officials to provide a progress report, if
          gathers information by reviewing files and conducting   necessary, to further assess compliance with specific
          interviews with students, faculty, and administration.   objectives outlined in the Standards for an Accredited
          The team also visits at least 2 clinical settings to assess   Educational Program.

          328                                              RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, January/February 2017, Volume 88, Number 3
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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