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          The JRCERT Accreditation Process:

          A Site Visitor’s Perspective

          Loraine D Zelna, MS, R.T.(R)(MR)
          Bette Schans, PhD, R.T.(R), FASRT

                 o apply for or maintain program accreditation  Having the required information on hand makes it easi-
                 with the Joint Review Committee on Education  er to assemble the self-study. For objectives that require
                 in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT), radiolog-  supporting evidence, be sure to include appropriate
          Tic science program faculty must submit a self-    documentation that supports the narrative response.
          study report that documents compliance with the agen-  For example, if the self-study states that the program’s
          cy’s Standards for an Accredited Educational Program in   learning outcomes are published on the program web-
          Radiography, as well as the standards for radiation thera-  site and in the student handbook or assessment plan,
          py, magnetic resonance, and medical dosimetry.  The   these sources should state the same outcomes. Do not
          JRCERT awards accreditation to programs that demon-  assume that JRCERT staff or the site visitors can deter-
          strate substantial compliance with the standards. After   mine compliance based on the narrative responses only.
          JRCERT staff reviews a program’s self-study report, site
          visitors conduct a 2-day on-site evaluation to determine   Preparing for the Site Visit
          whether the program meets the objectives outlined in   After JRCERT staff members review a program’s
          the standards. Site visitors are peer professionals who   self-study report, the staff reaches out to site visitors
          are experienced in developing JRCERT self-study    to request their participation in the site visit. Each site
          reports and who have hosted site visits at their program   visit team comprises a team chair and at least 1 team
          locations. This article provides a site visitor’s overview   member. The site visitors might be program direc-
          of the JRCERT accreditation process and a typical site   tors, clinical coordinators, clinical instructors, or other
          visit.                                             members of a program’s faculty. Potential site visitors
                                                             complete an initial orientation and are required to serve
          The Self-study Report                              as apprentice site visitors on 3 site visits before achiev-
            Writing a self-study report and preparing for a   ing full status as a site visitor. All site visitors must
          JRCERT site visit can be a stressful and daunting task   attend JRCERT seminars and workshops to stay abreast
          for program faculty, particularly while juggling other   of standards, accreditation processes, and site visitor
          program responsibilities. The report must document   responsibilities.
          compliance with each objective listed under the 6 stan-  The site’s program director and the site visit team
          dards, and supporting documentation is required for   agree on a date for the site visit, and travel and hotel
          most of the objectives. Collecting information and doc-  arrangements are confirmed. The composition of the
          umentation for the report should be an ongoing process.   site visit team is reviewed by the program and site-visit

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, January/February 2017, Volume 88, Number 3                               327
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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