Page 95 - JRCERT Update Articles
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          Student Supervision in the Clinical Setting

          Repeat Policy                                      to be guilty of misconduct, can damage a program’s
            The policy addressing supervision of students dur-  reputation. Furthermore, defending against such allega-
          ing repeat image acquisition procedures applies only to   tions can be a long and costly process. Establishing clear
          radiography. The presence of a qualified radiographer   policies and procedures to establish proper supervision
          during a repeat image procedure stemming from an   will help programs defend against such allegations and,
          unsatisfactory initial image protects patient safety and   more importantly, help prevent incidents that could lead
          proper educational practices; therefore, a qualified   to such allegations.
          radiographer must be physically present during the    Ultimately, the program is responsible for over-
          repeat image procedure and must approve the student’s   sight of the students in their clinical rotations.
          procedure before re-exposure occurs. This tactic is   Communication among program officials, clinical staff,
          imperative for patient care and safety because it protects   and students is essential to provide assurance of student
          patients from exposure to excessive and unnecessary   supervision. The following are additional best practices
          radiation from repeating the same image acquisition   for securing patient safety :
          error and because it ensures corrective action is taken.    ƒ Include policies addressing student supervision in
                                                                  multiple documents such as the program’s student
          Legal Implications                                      handbook, clinical handbooks, and course syllabi.
            Supervision is a key component to establishing         ƒ Provide professional development activities to
          patient and student safety. Failure to provide proper   educate clinical instructors, preceptors, and staff
          supervision can have significant legal consequences     about student supervision policies on a routine
          for the clinical staff, student, and education program.   basis. This action affords the opportunity for dis-
          From the clinical staff perspective, failure to properly   cussion and clarification.
          supervise a student might lead to a claim by a patient     ƒ Distribute or post student supervision policies
          of malpractice or negligence if the student fails to per-  and meeting minutes as a reminder to clinical
          form a procedure properly and it results in injury to the   staff and students.
          patient. Licensure or certification also might be at risk if     ƒ Encourage communication between students and
          the failure to properly supervise is subject to discipline   clinical staff regarding each student’s progress to
          under the code of conduct or grounds for discipline of   ensure that the appropriate level of supervision
          the certifying or licensing body.                       required for each procedure occurs.
            From the student perspective, failure to ensure        ƒ Document student supervision activities or
          that one is being properly supervised might result in a   mechanisms of assurance for inclusion in future
          charge of practicing without a license, depending on the   self-study or interim reports.
          scope of practice as defined in licensure laws. Students   Regardless of the education program, all programs
          must be aware of what they can and cannot do in their   accredited by the JRCERT require students to be
          capacity as a student and when supervision is mandat-  appropriately supervised in the clinical setting. As evi-
          ed. Licensure laws exist in part to protect students from   denced by the JRCERT mission statement—“JRCERT
          being placed in the untenable position of performing   promotes excellence in education and elevates the quali-
          procedures for which they have not yet demonstrated   ty and safety of patient care through the accreditation of
          competency.                                        educational programs in radiography, radiation therapy,
            From the education program’s perspective, failure to   magnetic resonance, and medical dosimetry”—patient
          ensure that supervisors are properly monitoring their   care is of utmost importance and is reflected in its
          students might result in a charge of negligence against   Standards. 2
          the program should a patient experience a negative con-
          sequence resulting from the student’s action or inaction   To review the entire 2014 Standards for an Accredited
          stemming from a lack of proper supervision. Such legal   Program, visit the JRCERT website at
          action, even if the program or individuals are not found

          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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