Page 19 - JRCERT Peer 2 Peer Newsletters
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                                         The Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) is the only
                                         organization recognized by the United States Department of Education (USDE) and the Coun-
                                         cil for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) for the accreditation of traditional and dis-
                                         tance delivery educational programs in radiography, radiation therapy, magnetic resonance,
                                         and medical dosimetry. In May 2021, CHEA’s Board of Directors adopted a formal statement
                                         addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).
                                                “The Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), a non-profit service or-
                                                ganization, cultivates and supports an environment that demonstrates apprecia-
                                                tion for and values the diversity of its institutions of higher education, accreditors,
                                                board and staff, and all who are served by these groups. We believe that life experi-
                                                ences and heritages of these groups contribute to the richness of CHEA’s policies,
                                                procedures, and daily operations.

                                                CHEA’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusiveness guides its mission and
                                                its support for equitable treatment for institutions of higher education, families
                                                and students.” (CHEA, 2023).
                                         Similarly, the JRCERT added the following Core Value: “The JRCERT strives to incorporate
                                         diversity, equity, and inclusion at the center of our accreditation work and interactions with
                                         our communities of interest.” (JRCERT, 2022). While the JRCERT has always maintained a
                                         culture that embraces DEI, events in recent years have prompted a more transparent empha-
                                         sis. While we recognize that our accredited programs possess a vast array of sponsors, mis-
                                         sions, and goals, it is required that they comply with the JRCERT Standards, which include
                                         specific objectives addressing various aspects of DEI.
                                         For example, Standard One, Objective 1.1 states, “The sponsoring institution and program
                                         provide students, faculty, and the public with policies, procedures, and relevant information.
                                         Policies and procedures must be fair, equitably applied, and readily available.” Standard
                                         One, Objectives 1.2 and 1.3, require the sponsoring institution and program to have poli-
                                         cies and practices regarding recruitment of faculty and students, as well as employment and
                                         admissions practices to be non-discriminatory and consistent with their published policies
                                         (JRCERT, 2021).
                                         Additionally, this philosophy extends to not only our organization and accredited programs,
                                         but throughout the accreditation process. When performing the onsite evaluation, the site
                                         visit team is required to read the following Commitment to Quality Statement at the opening
                                         meeting and exit summation:
                                                “The JRCERT is committed to excellence in education and believes that quality can-
                                                not be compromised. Integrity and high ethical principles are the fundamental val-
                                                ues that guide the JRCERT in assuring a fair and unbiased accreditation process.
                                                Our site visitors value the diversity of our programs and safeguard the education of
                                                students by verifying that programs utilize equitable policies and procedures. The
                                                JRCERT remains steadfast in assuring that these core values are reflected through-
                                                out the site visit.” (JRCERT, 2022).
                                         Knowing that diversity, equity, and inclusion contribute to not only student success but the
                                         success of the sponsoring institution and program affirms its importance in today’s society.
                                         Assuring DEI policies and practices at the program and sponsoring institution levels will lead
                                         to progressive, successful radiologic science imaging and therapeutic professionals for the
                                         healthcare team.

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