Page 18 - JRCERT Peer 2 Peer Newsletters
P. 18


                                         •   How does the JRCERT determine site visitor assignments?

                                                  Site visitors who have completed the required site visitor training are ready to
                                                    conduct a site visit. We select site visitors with a similar type of sponsoring
                                                    institution and discipline; have close proximity (but not in the same state) to
                                                    assure a cost-efficient site visit; and no conflict of interest between both parties
                                                    (site visitor and program).

                                         •   As a site visitor, am I responsible or making my own travel arrangements?

                                                  Yes, you are responsible for making your own travel arrangements utilizing the
                                                    JRCERT designated travel agency. The JRCERT requires site visitors to
                                                    confirm travel dates and arrangements with the travel agency prior to ticketing
                                                    and to check ticket accuracy upon receipt while reporting errors to the travel
                                                    agency immediately. It is recommended for site visitors to coordinate their air
                                                    travel at least two months prior to the site visit. If the site visitor prefers to
                                                    travel by personal vehicle, the JRCERT will reimburse mileage up to the cost of
                                                    the lowest airfare.

                                         •   Who creates the agenda for the site visit?

                                                  The team chair is responsible for developing the site visit agenda in
                                                    coordination with the program director. The Site Visit Agenda Templates can
                                                    be found on the JRCERT website.

                                         •   Who do I contact with questions after reviewing the self-study report?

                                                  A JRCERT professional staff member will contact the site visit team
                                                    approximately two weeks prior to the site visit to schedule a pre-site visit
                                                    conference call. This provides an opportunity for the staff member and the
                                                    team to clarify any information and ask questions they may have prior to the
                                                    site visit. Furthermore, the professional staff member will follow up with an
                                                    email at the end of Day One of the site visit to determine if the team has any
                                                    questions or issues they wish to discuss.

                                         •   What are my post-site visit responsibilities?

                                                  The site visit team has several responsibilities upon completion of the site visit.
                                                    Consistent with JRCERT policies, the team chair must submit the Report of
                                                    Site Visit Team Findings (RSVTF) within seven days of completion of the site
                                                    visit; all members of the site visit team must submit their expense voucher and
                                                    receipts to; and complete the peer evaluation(s) and evaluation
                                                    of the accreditation process within 14 days.

                                         REAL ID COMPLIANCE
                REAL ID                  Beginning May 7, 2025, every air traveler at least 18 years of age will require a REAL ID-

                Beginning                compliant driver’s license or identification card, state-issued enhanced driver’s license, or
                                         other TSA-acceptable form of identification at airport security checkpoints for domestic air
                May 7, 2025              travel.

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