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Joint Review Committee on                                                          Newsletter Summer 2024
            Education in Radiologic Technology                                                      Volume 6, Issue 2


             Greetings from Chicago!
             As I announce my retirement and look forward to "passing the torch," I
             want to express my deepest gratitude to our site visitors. From one site
             visitor to another, your support of programmatic accreditation is
             For the past six years, Traci Lang, Ed.S., R.T.(R)(T), has played a crucial
             role in ensuring our site visitors are well-versed in JRCERT Policies and
             Standards and have the necessary resources before, during, and after
             each site visit. As the organization transitions in leadership, and Traci is
             mentored for her future role as Chief Executive Officer, she will no longer
             be your primary contact for site visits.
             Going forward, please direct all your site visit needs, questions, and
             concerns to Jennifer Michael, Ed.D., R.T.(R), JRCERT Assistant
             Director. During office hours she can be reached via email at
    or by phone at 312-445-3208. After business hours
             feel free to contact her via email or by text at 318-272-5353.
                                                                                         Ms. Leslie F. Winter, M.S., R.T.(R)
             Thank you again, for the integral part you play in the peer review process.   Chief Executive Officer
             Enjoy the wealth of information in this 2024 issue of our Peer2Peer
             newsletter. I look forward to continuing to serve as JRCERT Chief         Commitment to Quality
             Executive Officer until November 1, 2025.
                                                                                       The JRCERT is committed to an
             All the best,                                                             accreditation process that is fair
             Leslie                                                                    and unbiased and believes high
                                                                                       ethical principles cannot be
             CHANGES TO SITE VISITOR TRAINING                                          compromised. The JRCERT
             REQUIREMENTS                                                              ensures the integrity of the
                                                                                       accreditation process, values the
             Our site visitor education and training has been updated and is now       diversity of programs, and
             provided through our LINK learning management system (LMS). This          safeguards the education of
             allows for more asynchronous learning that will provide for greater       students through the peer review
             flexibility to accommodate everyone’s schedules. A live webinar session   process. The JRCERT remains
             will follow each session to provide the opportunity to pose questions or   steadfast in assuring that its core
             clarify information. Additional information will be forthcoming. The      values are reflected throughout
             JRCERT will continue to offer face-to-face workshops and webinars for     the accreditation process.
             site visitor training as well. For our latest offerings, head to our events

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