Page 6 - JRCERT Peer 2 Peer Newsletters
P. 6


                                               Is it a citation if the program’s magnetic resonance
                                                   screening form asks about pregnancy status?

                                                The Standards contain the provision that if a student wishes to declare
                                         pregnancy, then they may do so in a voluntary manner. If an MRI student screening
                                         form contains a question related to pregnancy, then this may result in a student
                                         declaring pregnancy in a potentially non-voluntary manner. Programs are advised
                                         that MRI screening forms should not include a question related to pregnancy. An
                                         example of an MRI screening form can be found in the Guidance for Programs in
                                         MR Safety Education module which is available under Program Resources on the
                                         JRCERT website.

                                               What does it mean to have access to an energized

                                                The  explanation  for  Objective  2.2  explicitly  states  that  “the  sponsoring
                                         institution must provide the program with access to a fully energized laboratory. An
                                         energized laboratory on campus is recommended.” However, what occurs when a
                                         program with access to an energized laboratory actively chooses not to utilize it for
                                         student learning purposes in any capacity? Would the program be demonstrating
                                         compliance for having access, or would this constitute as a citation?
                                                While  the  program  has  access  to  an  energized  laboratory  (as  stated  in
                                         Objective  2.2),  the  program  has  not  integrated  its  available  resources  (i.e.,  an
                                         energized  laboratory)  into  its  established  curriculum,  assuring  a  well-structured
                                         curriculum (Objective 4.2).
                                                Objective 4.2 requirements include incorporating effective student learning
                                         opportunities  through  innovative  approaches  offering  all  students  a  foundational
                                         knowledge  in  didactic  and  laboratory  courses  before  achieving  competency.  A
                                         program failing to utilize its access to an energized laboratory cannot assure that a
                                         well-structured  curriculum  is  occurring.  Remember,  students  should/need  to  be
                                         able to practice radiation exposures prior to actual patients.
                                                This is a great example of interpreting the 2021 Standards literally for one
                                         objective  but  not  considering  other  objectives  potentially  being  non-compliant.
                                         Utilize  your  resources!  Improve  student  learning  by  implementing  didactic
                                         laboratory learning activities/course objectives into your program’s curriculum that
                                         requires the use of an energized laboratory.

                                                           Can a program offer Stipends?

                                                With  today’s  unprecedented  labor  shortage  in  medical  imaging  and
                                         radiation  therapy  professions,  coupled  with  the  need  to  meet  the  demand  for
                                         excellent  patient  care,  various  organizations  have  recommended  or  implemented
                                         different solutions. Some of these initiatives include the Bloomberg Philanthropies
                                         Workforce Initiative that connects health care systems with public high schools, as
                                         well as paid internships for various professions.
                                                The JRCERT does not support paid clinical hours for students enrolled in
                                         its educational programs; however, we do endorse scholarships, grants, tuition/fee
                                         assistance,  and  stipends  which  must  be  offered  equitably.  As  indicated  in
                                         JRCERT Policy 10.900, Procedure 10.902A, the stipend must be unrelated to the
                                         completion  of  specific  clinical  hours  and/or  assignments.  Therefore,  students
                                         receiving an hourly rate reimbursed for clinical hours would not be acceptable.
                                                The  JRCERT  developed  this  policy  to  guarantee  that  students  are  not
                                         taking the place of qualified staff and that appropriate supervision is being provided
                                         during  the  clinical  education  experience.  Additionally,  this  prevents  the  risk  of
                                         liability  to  medical  facilities  due  to  unqualified  individuals  performing  medical
                                         imaging and therapeutic procedures.

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