Page 104 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
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             JRCERT Organizational Report Now Available

             The JRCERT 2016 Organizational        the JRCERT Board of Directors
             Report is now available on the        in 2016
             JRCERT Web site.  The report
                                                  Details on the composition of
             contains the following information:
                                                   the JRCERT Board of Directors
                Demographic information on
                                                  Complete listing of JRCERT site
                 accredited programs
                                                   visitors performing site visits
                Summary of program ac-            during 2016

                 creditation actions taken by

             If you have any questions regarding the report, please do not hesitate to call the office.

             ASRT Radiography Curriculum Revised

             The JRCERT Standards for an       The JRCERT Board of Directors      The grid was developed by
             Accredited Educational            adopted the revised ASRT           the JRCERT to assist
             Program in Radiography            Radiography Curriculum at the      programs in assuring all
             requires programs to follow a     JRCERT April 2017 board            required components are
             JRCERT-adopted curriculum.  The   meeting.  The implementation       appropriately reflected within
             JRCERT defines an adopted         date is September 1, 2018 and is   the program’s curriculum.
             curriculum as the latest American   required for students beginning   The revised grid is available
             Society of Radiologic             on or after that date.  The        here or on the JRCERT Web
             Technologists (ASRT) professional   JRCERT has amended the           site under Program
             curriculum.  The ASRT recently    Curriculum Analysis Grid to        Resources.
             finalized the radiography         reflect the revised curriculum.

             The JRCERT Welcomes NEW Programs

             Congratulations and welcome to    Broward College Central Campus     University of California, Irvine
                                               Davie, FL                          Medical Center
             our newly accredited programs.    Radiography                        Orange, CA
             Since the October 2016 meeting                                       Medical Dosimetry
                                               Broward College North Campus
             of the Board of Directors, six    Coconut Creek, FL                  University of Mississippi
             applicant programs have been      Radiation Therapy                  Medical Center
                                                                                  Jackson, MS
             awarded initial JRCERT            Michigan Radiologic and Imaging    Magnetic Resonance
                                               Sciences Consortium (MiRIS)
             accreditation.  The sponsoring    Lansing, MI
             institutions and program officials   Magnetic Resonance
             are to be commended for their     Saint Louis University
             hard work and demonstrated        Saint Louis, MO
                                               Magnetic Resonance
             high levels of professionalism:
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