Page 103 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 103


             Standards Revision Update

             Greetings from the JRCERT             Deletion of Standard Six –      We welcome comments at any
             Standards Committee.  We would         Institutional/Programmatic      time, so if you were unable to
             like to update you on the progress     Data.  The committee feels this  respond to one of the initial
                                                    information is redundant with
             of the comprehensive Standards                                         surveys, please feel free to send
                                                    information captured during the
             revision project.  As previously                                       comments to
                                                    initial accreditation application
             indicated, we are dedicated to a       and policy requirements for or
             transparent revision process and       programs undergoing             look for a JRCERT representative
             have updated the Standards             continuing accreditation,       at an upcoming conference.
             Revision Web page with the            Subsume all supervision-related  I would like to thank Dr.
             results from our initial Programs &    objectives into a single objective  Stephanie Eatmon, outgoing
             Faculty and Site Visitor surveys.      (Radiography Standard Four –    Standards Committee Chair and
             Results, as published, are across all   Objectives 4.4, 4.5, and 4.6),
                                                    and                             First Vice Chair of the JRCERT
             four modalities.  We also gained                                       Board of Directors for her
             input from multiple professional      Deletion of Standard One -      leadership and dedication to this
             associations, individual emails, and   Objective 1.1 across all
                                                    standards yet intertwining the  most important charge.  We will
             interactions with you at national,
                                                    spirit of this objective across  all carry the torch you lit!
             regional, and state conferences.
                                                    multiple objectives.
             Thank you for your valuable input!                                     As always, we look forward to
                                                The committee will be working       your continued input and to
             The committee held a virtual       feverishly during the next few      publishing the first draft of the
             meeting in March and met face-to-  months to prepare Draft 1 and       Standards in the near future.
             face just prior to our April 20,   release it for public comment in late
             2017 board meeting to thoroughly   summer or early fall.  We are       Sincerely,
             vet all stakeholder input and begin   working hard to be ahead of our
             work on Draft 1.  Some             scheduled release date.  You can
             interesting items that we are      review the complete timetable at our   Bette A. Schans, Ph.D., R.T.(R),
             anxious to share include:          main Standards Revision Web page    FASRT
                                                                                    Standards Committee Chair
                                                or by clicking Standards Revision   Second Vice Chair JRCERT Board
                                                                                    of Directors
                                                Project Timetable.
             CHEA Accreditation

             The JRCERT is currently working    compliance with JRCERT Standard     five-year average job placement
             on its Interim Report for          Five - Objective 5.3.   We fully    rate, and annual program
             continued recognition by CHEA      believe accountability is enhanced by   completion rate on their program-
             (Council for Higher Education      making program effectiveness data   specific web page.  If the program
             Accreditation).  In accordance     available to your communities of    does not publish this information
             with the accreditation process,    interest and the public.  Consistent   directly on its homepage then the
             the JRCERT is conducting an audit   with Standard Five - Objective     information must be clearly
             of the program effectiveness data   5.3, programs must publish, at a   identified and easily available with
             web pages for all our accredited   minimum, their five-year average    minimal navigation.  Thank you for
             programs in effort to determine    credentialing examination pass rate,   your due diligence in this matter.
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