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               The JRCERT Welcomes New Programs

               Congratulations and welcome to    Southern Regional Technical
                                                 College - Thomasville
               our newly accredited programs.
                                                 Thomasville, GA
               Since the April 2017 meeting of
               the Board of Directors, three
               applicant programs have been
                                                 Santa Fe Community College
               awarded initial JRCERT            Santa Fe, NM
               accreditation.  The sponsoring
               institutions and program officials
               are to be commended for their     University of Cincinnati
               hard work and demonstrated        Cincinnati, OH
               high levels of professionalism:   Magnetic Resonance

                Anniversary Celebrations!

                In August, the JRCERT staff celebrated several very
                special anniversaries in 2017.  Finance Manager
                Teresa Cruz commemorated her 35  year with the
                JRCERT and Executive Associate Director Jay Hicks,
                Administrative Assistant Janet Luczak, and Office
                Assistant Betty Matulewicz all marked their 10-year
                anniversaries.  We thank them for their dedication
                to the organization!

                The Pulse Newsletters are archived on the JRCERT                    JRCERT
                Web site,, under the “News” tab.                     20 North Wacker Drive
                                                                                    Suite 2850
                                                                                    Chicago, IL  60606-3182
                                                                                    (312) 704-5300
                Pulse Editors:                                                      (312) 704-5304 (fax)
                Jason Mielcarek, M.A.M.Ed., Accreditation Assistant,       (e-mail)
                Joanne Sauter, B.M., Administrative Assistant
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