Page 107 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 107


             Accreditation Quick Tips

             New Clinical Settings

             When adding a new clinical        setting and click the “Edit”
             setting through the JRCERT AMS    icon.  When the clinical setting
             portal, click on Clinical Settings   information appears, scroll down
             Change Requests. Next, click the   to enter the Radiology
             “New” icon and enter the clinical   Department Administrator and
             setting information. When you     Clinical Instructors.  When all
             click “OK”, it will create the    personnel are entered, highlight
             setting and return to the table of   the setting in the table and click
             clinical settings.  To add        the “Submit” button to submit it
             personnel, highlight the clinical   to the JRCERT for approval.

             Electronic Payments
                                                                               the need for a check to be generated
             The JRCERT is now accepting
                                                                               and mailed.  If your institution is
             electronic payments via
                                                                               interested in having the ability to pay
             Automated Clearing House (ACH)
                                                                               JRCERT invoices electronically, have
             payments, also referred to as
                                                                               your accounts payable department e-
             Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) or
                                                                               mail the appropriate form(s) to Teresa
             Direct Deposit.   This process
                                                                               Cruz, Finance Manager at
             transfers funds from one bank
             account to another and eliminates

             Submitting Documentation to the JRCERT
                When submitting additional information for self-study reports to the JRCERT, please

                 submit all information at the same time, as opposed to sending partial information on
                 several occasions.  This will help keep JRCERT records concise and decrease the
                 chance of any documents being lost.
                                                                                    Q & A
                The JRCERT does not track associate degrees for clinical instructors.  Therefore, if a  For answers to common
                                                                                    questions please visit the FAQ
                 clinical instructor does not have a degree higher than an associate degree, it is not
                                                                                    page at
                 necessary to input a degree into the Accreditation Management System (AMS).
                When submitting documentation of ARRT registration or state licenses for program
                 officials, please be sure that the registration is current and not expired.
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