Page 102 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 102


           Meet The New Board

                                      The makeup of the JRCERT   commitment of these two   Dr. Lasley is currently Program
                                      Board of Directors is once   individuals to the organization   Chair of Radiation Therapy and
                                      again changing as Directors   has been invaluable.  We wish   Associate Professor at Baptist
                                      complete their terms of   to extend our sincere   College of Health Sciences
                                      service.  At the conclusion of   appreciation to Stephanie and   while Dr. Schmidt is currently
                                      the April 2017 meeting, two   Jason for their tremendous   the Director of the Radiologic
                                      Directors completed their   service during their tenure on   Technology Program at Pima
                                      terms:  Stephanie Eatmon,   the Board and extend our   Medical Institute - Chula Vista.
                                      Ed.D., R.T.(R)(T), FASRT, First   wishes for their continued
                                                                                        Both Dr. Lasley and Dr.
                                      Vice Chair, completed the   success.
                                                                                        Schmidt were installed as
                                      maximum six-year term, and
                                                               We welcome two new       Directors at the conclusion of
                                      Jason L. Scott, M.B.A., R.T.(R)
           Julie Lasley, Ph.D., R.T.(R)(T)                     Directors to the Board: Julie   the spring meeting of the
                                      (MR), CRA, FAHRA,
                                                               Lasley, Ph.D., R.T.(R)(T) and   JRCERT Board of Directors.
                                      completed a three-year term.
                                                               Lisa F. Schmidt, Ph.D.,
                                      The dedication and
                                                               R.T.(R)(M), CRT(R).

                                                           JRCERT Board of Directors

           Lisa F. Schmidt, Ph.D., R.T.(R)(M),   (L - R):  Tricia Leggett, D.H.Ed., R.T.(R)(QM), Loraine (Lorie) Zelna, M.S., R.T.(R)(MR), Beverly J. Felder,
           CRT(R)                     R.N., B.S.N., M.P.A., Laura Borghardt, M.S., CMD, Julie Lasley, Ph.D., R.T.(R)(T), Bette Schans, Ph.D., R.T.
                                      (R), FASRT, Laura S. Aaron, Ph.D., R.T.(R)(M)(QM), FASRT, Lisa F. Schmidt,  Ph.D., R.T.(R)(M), CRT(R),
                                      Jason W. Stephenson, M.D.

             Director Bette Schans Honored

             The JRCERT would like to take    Technology (ACERT) Life           involved with ACERT since 2001,
             this opportunity to congratulate   Membership.  This honor is awarded   including serving as their President and
             Director Bette Schans, Ph.D.,    to those individuals who have     Board Chair.  Her commitment to the
             R.T.(R), FASRT for receiving     provided outstanding service to the   radiologic science profession is
             Association of Collegiate        radiologic science profession.    commendable.
             Educators in Radiologic
                                              Director Schans has been actively
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