Page 135 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
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              Assessment Corner

                                                The JRCERT is in the process of   Until the Web site Assessment
                                                developing additional resources   Corner is up and running, pro-
                                                to assist our programs with the   grams are encouraged to contin-
                                                outcomes assessment process.    ue utilizing the current Assess-
                                                We will be working over the    ment Resources available on our
                                                next few months to develop an   Web site under the Programs &
                                                Assessment Corner on the       Faculty tab, including the newly-
              Programmatic assessment of        JRCERT Web site.  The dedicat-  added Sample Meeting Minutes.
              student learning - analyzing how   ed area of the Web will contain   The sample minutes can be uti-
              well students have learned and    an ever-expanding “toolbox” of   lized to assist programs in docu-
              progressed as a group - is the    assessment resources, including,   menting the analysis and sharing
              basis for program improvement.    but not limited to:            of student learning outcome data
              We fully realize that outcomes                                  and program effectiveness data
              assessment can be challenging         Learning Modules for Ele-  with communities of interest to
                                                    ments of The Assessment
              for our programs and may seem         Plan (currently available on   demonstrate compliance with
              a daunting task, especially for       Web site)                  Standard Five - Objectives
              programs having only one, two,       Links to Assessment “Best   5.4 and 5.5.
                                                    Practices” from Multiple
              or three full-time faculty who are
              already stretched to the limit    
              with teaching and administrative      Considerations When Re-
                                                    viewing An Assessment
              responsibilities, managing clinical   Plan                                This Pulse Newsletter is
              rotations, etc.                      Evaluation (grading) Rubrics        archived on the JRCERT
                                                                                        Web site,,
                                                   Sample Meeting Minutes              under the “News” tab.

              Traci Lang Promoted to Assistant Director

              The JRCERT is pleased to announce a recent organizational change. Traci B. Lang, M.S.R.S.,
              R.T.(R)(T) has been promoted to the position of Assistant Director. Traci joined the JRCERT   JRCERT
              in April 2012 as an accreditation specialist.   During her tenure, she has consistently demon-  20 North Wacker Drive
              strated her dedication and hard work in support of the organization. Traci received ARRT
                                                                                              Suite 2850
              certification in radiography in 1997 and radiation therapy in 1998. She has experience in medi-
                                                                                       Chicago, IL  60606-3182
              cal dosimetry, served as chief radiation therapist at Baton Rouge General Medical Center,
              Baton Rouge, LA, and prior to coming to the JRCERT, served as program director for the    (312) 704-5300
              medical center’s radiography program.                                      (312) 704-5304 (fax)
              Our congratulations to Traci on her promotion!                  (e-mail)

              Programs may want to take a look at the 2014 JRCERT Organizational Report, avail-
              able on our Web site, to learn even more about the JRCERT and its recent activities.

                              Pulse Editor:  Thomas Brown, M.A.Ed., R.T.(R), Accreditation Specialist
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