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             Site Visitors Needed!                               Mammography Clinical Rotations

             Are you interested in sharing   If you have an interest, and want   All too often, radiography pro-  by Debra Poelhuis, M.S., R.T.(R)
             your expertise in support of   to learn more about becoming a   grams have opted to remove   (M).  The article was originally
             programmatic accreditation   site visitor, please take a look at   clinical observations and/or par-  published in the Journal of the
             while hav-                         the Expecta-     ticipation in mammography rota-  American Society of Radiologic
             ing the                            tions, Qualifica-  tions from the clinical compo-  Technologists, September/
             opportuni-                         tions, and Appli-  nent based on concerns over   October 2013 (Vol. 85, Number
             ty to learn                        cation for Site   equitable treatment of female   1) and is available on the
             more about                         Visitors on our   and male students.  The JRCERT   JRCERT Web site.  The article
             other                              Web site and     Directors believe that removing   provides excellent guidance on
             JRCERT-                            then feel free to   gender-specific clinical rotations   how programs can retain mam-
             accredited                         give us a call to   has penalized all groups of stu-  mography clinical experiences in
             programs?                          discuss.         dents by limiting learning experi-  the curriculum and still meet
             The                                                 ences that can prepare them for   JRCERT requirements regarding
             JRCERT                              Thank you, in   career opportunities.     equitable learning opportunities.
             has an                             advance, for
                                                                 Programs are strongly encour-
             immediate need for qualified   your continuing support of the
                                                                 aged to review the article,
             educators to serve as site visi-  JRCERT and programmatic ac-
                                                                 “Mammography Rotations for All
             tors for radiation therapy and   creditation.
                                                                 Students: How to Make It Work,”
             medical dosimetry programs.

              The JRCERT Welcomes NEW Programs

             Congratulations and welcome   21st Century Oncology, Inc.   Owens Community College
                                        School for Medical Dosimetry   Toledo, OH
             to these newly accredited pro-
                                        Cape Coral, FL             Magnetic Resonance
             grams.  Since the beginning of   Medical Dosimetry
             the year, 10 applicant programs                       Randolph Community College
                                        Atlanta Technical College   Asheboro, NC
             have been awarded initial
                                        Atlanta, GA                Radiography
             JRCERT accreditation by the   Radiography
             Board of Directors. The spon-                         Southern Illinois University
                                        Elgin Community College    Carbondale, IL
             soring institutions and program
                                        Elgin, IL                  Radiography
             officials are to be commended   Magnetic Resonance
             for their hard work and demon-                        Southern Illinois University
             strated high level of profession-  Jefferson College   Carbondale, IL
                                                                   Magnetic Resonance
                                        Hillsboro, MO
             alism in achieving the “gold
             standard” in programmatic ac-                         Southwest University at El Paso
                                                                   El Paso, TX
             creditation:               Mitchell Technical Institute   Radiography
                                        Mitchell, SD
                                        Radiation Therapy
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