Page 130 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 130

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              Assessment Corner

                                               process of assessing student learning.    American Society of Radiologic Tech-
                                               In addition to the several learning mod-  nologists, July/August 2015 (Vol. 86,
                                               ules on assessment and sample meeting   Number 6).
                                               minutes to assist programs in docu-  
                                               menting the analysis and sharing of   “Considerations When Reviewing an
                                                                                  Outcomes Assessment Plan,” a compi-
                                               outcomes data with communities of
                                                                                  lation of considerations, gleaned from
              The new Assessment Corner area of the   interest, we have now added two new
              JRCERT Web site, referenced in the previ-  tools:                   multiple sources, to assist programs in
              ous issue of the Pulse, is now available                           developing and refining their assess-
              under the Programs & Faculty tab.  This   The article, “Assessment: Working   ment plans.
              dedicated area of the Web site can be   Backward,” by Stephanie Eatmon,   Both of these resources are available on the
              considered a “toolbox” of resources to   Ed.D. R.T.(R)(T), FASRT, originally   JRCERT Web site under the Programs &
              assist our programs with the challenging   published in the Journal of the   Faculty tab, Assessment Corner.

                                                                                            20 North Wacker
                                                                                                Suite 2850
                                                                                                Chicago, IL

                                                                                              (312) 704-5300

                                                                                           (312) 704-5304 (fax)


              Leslie Winter’s 20th anniversary with the JRCERT, October 2, 2015
                    Back Row: Tom Brown, Paul Luhn, Joanne Sauter, Jay Hicks, Traci Lang, Brian Leonard
                        Middle Row: Jacqueline Kralik, Janet Murzyn, Betty Matulewicz, Janet Luczak
                         Front Row: Leslie Winter, Angie Mielcarek, Teresa Cruz, Jean Samuelson

                   This Pulse Newsletter is archived on the JRCERT Web site,, under the “News” tab.

                              Pulse Editor:  Thomas Brown, M.A.Ed., R.T.(R), Accreditation Specialist
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