Page 132 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
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                   Volume 1                                                                      May 19, 2015

              A Publication of the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology

          New JRCERT e-Newsletter

          Greetings from the JRCERT and   Initially, the Pulse  will be                    Inside this issue:
          welcome to the premier issue of   published twice a year – spring
          the JRCERT Pulse e-Newsletter.   and fall – following the meetings               Meet the New Board!   2

          For several years, we have been   of the Board of Directors here
                                     in Chicago.  We’ll try to keep                        2014 Program Annual   3
          communicating important
          announcements to our programs   the content concise and to the                   Reports
          via broadcast e-mails to program   point by using URLs linked to                 Accreditation Manage-  3
          directors and through postings   our Web site that will take you                 ment System (AMS)
          on our Web site.  As time went   to more detailed information on                 Site Visitors Needed!   4
          on, it became evident that we   a particular topic.
          needed to improve our method   We sincerely hope this
          for communicating with our   publication will serve to simplify                  Mammography Clinical  4
                                                                Leslie Winter, M.S., R.T.(R)   Rotations
          programs by consolidating our   and enhance communications   Chief Executive Officer
          communications efforts into a   with our programs.  Let us know                  The JRCERT Welcomes   4
          single publication, which could   what you think – we welcome   “Our thanks to Brian   New Programs
          be easily accessed and     your suggestions.          Leonard, accreditation     Assessment Corner   5
          referenced.  The result is the                        specialist, and Joanne
          Pulse  e-Newsletter.                                  Sauter, administrative     Traci Lang Promotion    5
                                                                assistant, for naming our
          Important Information!                                PULSE e-Newsletter!”

          Summary of April 2015 Board

           The JRCERT Board of Directors   Standards and policy revisions.   Note:  This summary replaces a
           met April 22-24 in Chicago to                              broadcast e-mail to programs
                                      You will want to be sure you are
           consider approximately 33 pro-
                                      up-to-date on these discussions   regarding the April Board meeting.
           grams, discuss the Standards,
                                      and determinations by the
           revise policies as required, and
                                      Board.  Click here to see a com-
           review the organization’s strate-
                                      plete Summary of the April 2015
           gic plan for continuous improve-  Board Meeting.  If you have    The JRCERT is the only agency recognized by
           ment.  This was an extremely                                     the United States Department of Education
                                      questions or need clarification
           busy and productive meeting of                                   (USDE) and the Council for Higher Education
                                      after reading the meeting sum-        Accreditation (CHEA) for the accreditation of
           the Directors and JRCERT staff.
                                      mary, please feel free to contact     traditional and distance delivery education pro-
           The meeting resulted in several                                  grams in radiography, radiation therapy, mag-
                                      the JRCERT office.                    netic resonance, and medical dosimetry.
           key decisions by the Directors
           regarding interpretations of the
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